Overworking pt.2

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Tw: Cussing, mentions of overworking and others

Valentinos pov:
I woke and saw that Vox wasn't in bed so that only meant one thing. He's working. I got up and laid Velvet back down. On my way to Vox's office I called him about five times, and not one time did he answer. Once I got there not only was I worried, I was pissed I know damn well he didn't eat and he knew we were gonna talk about last night so now he's avoiding me. I walked in and saw him in his chair looking frustrated at his work. I quite frankly picked him up and took him to the other room, ignoring his little banter trying to get me off I put him down on the bed. Velvet woke up to the movement and realized what happened she got up with me and looked at him. He knew what was happening.

Vox's pov:
I woke up very early and went right to my office to do work. After a few hours I heard my office doors open and before I could react I felt Val pick me up and carry me somewhere even though I yelled at him to get off me and put me down but he just ignored me and set me on the bed, Velvet woke up and stood with him staring at me. I knew what was gonna happen next, we're gonna have to talk.

"So Vox I think it's a good time to talk about what happened with you last night" Val started
"I don't think that's necessary it wasn't even that important!" I tied to convince him and Velvet(and myself)
"Not that important? Vox you broke down and your just gonna brush it off as 'not necessary and not important' Vox something is up and your gonna talk about it."
"Val I...I just.." I didn't know what to say. I had no words or at least nothing would come out. I knew he was right but what could I say? That I had mental issues? No!
"Vox just...take your time, but we need to talk about it and I need you to open up to me..to us..please."
"Val it's just that..I*sigh*fine I'll talk..."
"Please do but take your time"
"Valentino, Velvet, ....I have issues..mental issues..and I- it makes me think things that I- don't like.."
"..Like what?" Velvet hesitatingly asked
"Um just that..you know....you don't like me or that I'm a terrible person and I need to change everything about myself....BUT ITS NOT THAT BAD I SWEAR ITS JUST THOUGHTS THAT COME INTO MY HEAD AND I SWEAR THEY DONT MEAN ANYTHING TO ME-"
"Vox..hun- why didn't you- when did this- how long has this been happening?" Val questioned
"Just uh a few months"
"MONTHS?! VOX WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US? Why didn't you tell me..?"
"I- I thought you wouldn't l-like me anymore.."
I felt tears in my eyes again. Shit shit shit no not again..god I hate crying. It never happens so why is it now?
"Vox I- WE would NEVER stop like- loving you...ever..don't you ever forget that."
"I-...*sniff* I'm sorry.."
"No." Velvet said speaking up
"I said no, there is no need for you to apologize again so stop, you were scared and didn't know how to tell us but don't you dare apologize for something you didn't do wrong. Understand?"
"Yeah..thanks for that Velvs I- I really needed that.."
"Of course, but next time tell one or both of us and we'll help get it sorted out."
"Yeah, yeah no I definitely will..."
"I- thank you Vox"
"No..problem Val.."
"Now let's get some breakfast and take a nice day off because I think we all deserve one"
"But Val I cant-"
"I- *sigh* alright let's go.." I say rolling my eyes
"Good now hurry up or Velvet is going to kill both of us" Val said while laughing
"Yeah" I chuckled
Yeah...let's take a break...
Whoo well there's part two for the people who wanted it and ty for the views and votes lmk what else I could post if you have ideas I am completely free to them so please tell. Hope you all have an amazing day or night, now I do know they're the VEES and the main villains and stuff but I do think that they also have their downfalls and everything like everyone else so thats why I'm making this :) but again if you want to see something normal or different I could definitely do it just tell me and I'll do my best 👍 byeee!

Words: 790

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