4.2.|| To be King

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"I unfortunately can't provide counsel regarding that," Jazz said, rubbing the back of his head. "I agree with you. It would feel morbid to hold a coronation seeing you skewered the man. But I'm not that well versed in Iridian customs."

Jinx and Trix didn't have a more lucrative opinion either, the two of them merely shrugging.

"Your mother sounds annoying, though," Trix said. "No offense."

Cage sighed. "None taken. I've just been living in a world in which I believe my mother ignored me to protect me and appease Fherras. It appears that she merely doesn't care."

"If I were you, I would evacuate her from her rooms. They don't belong to her, but the future queen," Jinx said. "She doesn't deserve any favors."

"I already did that." Cage wasn't proud of himself, but the conversation had irked him so much, he'd had the Queen Mother evacuated at once. He guessed it served to prove that he was serious. He'd also sent a message to Edmund telling him to seek him out after he grew some sense.

"I don't envy your position, my friend," Jazz said with a shake of his head.

"Or I yours. Terrani is snooping around and asking to see me once every few hours."

"Good thing I'm leaving then."

"Yeah, about that." Cage got off his chair and came closer to the map of Iride.

Not for the first time since he'd taken the crown he felt frustrated that the map only represented Iride. He'd give anything to have at least bits of Endir there. He'd seen maps before and knew where certain things were, but it would be much easier to have the entire continent laid out before him. Maybe he should order a new map for the table.

"I think you should pass through the border villages into Endir proper," he said, pointing to the spot on the map. "Jinx still knows the area and that will be an advantage. Given the weather and the location, you should be able to cross the Grey Pass before it's snowed in."

"That sounds reasonable," Jinx said. "It shouldn't take us more than a couple of weeks to get there."

A couple of weeks sounded like infinity to Cage, but he had no choice. He was convinced no one could make the journey faster than Jazz and Jinx.

"We'll be back before you know it," Jazz said, as if reading his mind.

"There's one more thing I'd like you guys to verify." Cage glanced out the tall painted windows. Even if he couldn't see the image beyond, the light flitting through spoke of a warm autumn sun. "I know that no one in their right mind would start a campaign with winter around the corner, but with Kat's powers..."

"You're thinking she might start the war before spring," Jinx said, looking worried.

"Yes. All our calculations were based on her having to wait until the spring. That gave us enough time to see what's going on in Endir and try to find a peaceful solution. If she charges earlier..."

"Look, I know she has ice powers," Trix said, "but her army doesn't. She can't invade alone. Don't you think that she might be facing the same drawbacks that you are?"

Cage hadn't considered that. He was so fed up with all the court drama and he'd never considered that Kat might have to deal with something similar herself. Plus, unlike him, she had no experience with slippery nobles or with leading armies. He had the upper hand there.

"Cage is right, though," Jazz said. "We have to consider that, too. Our visions are filled with frost and snow, and we cannot know if they're a result of Kat's powers or the weather."

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