10.1|| Interrogation

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The Circle was the main prison building in Corosa, named so both due to its circular structure as well as the superstition that it was the doorway into the circles of hell. As she made her way down the stairs, Kat had to admit that the reputation the building had received was not ungrounded.

The moment she stepped inside and the heavy doors closed behind her, the place fell into almost complete darkness. It was barely broken by the torches on the walls. A chill was present, and she suspected it was always there, regardless of the weather outside.

"This way, your Majesty," the warden said, bowing his bald head.

Kat nodded and followed him in, the hem of her silver gown brushing the dust and dirt on the stone floors. She had one of her good days, unperturbed by memories of Iride and without the pain in her chest. After a few weeks in which she struggled with her former life, it was a blessing to feel at peace.

The main hall was short, and they began descending on a spiral staircase. The moment the hatch closed behind them, the moans and cries of the imprisoned surrounded Kat. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was aware that this would normally perturb her. As it was, all she had was mild curiosity.

"Warden," she said. "What are the people down here imprisoned for?"

"Most for treason, your Majesty," the man answered at once. "Some for murder, rape and thievery."

"Treason," she said, deep in thought. "What type of treason?"

"Crossing the border to Iride, mostly. But the traitors are in the deeper levels. The ones here... Well, they're the others."

Like in a long forgotten dream, Kat could remember talk of refugees from Endir. Were those people now here? And if not, what had become of them in a kingdom that hated them? She couldn't truly blame them for leaving, not when Iride was so rich and could provide food.

They reached the landing of the first circle and made their way to the other end of the hall where a new set of stairs was visible. The prisoners mostly kept their distance, but a few men hurried to the bars to have a look.

"Oh, it's the ice queen," someone hissed.

"Delicious, isn't she?"

Kat halted and turned towards the cell. A scrawny man with stick limbs and a grin missing several teeth gawked at her. He wore rags, but that didn't stop him from puffing his chest out.

"I can smell you," he breathed. "I can smell your--"

She lifted her hand. Ice surrounded the man's throat, digging into his skin and trapping any additional words in. "I believe you are unaware who you are talking to. Or trying to talk to. Spewing profanities does not a conversation make."

The man's eyes bulged and his hands shot to his neck, but he still let out a wheezing laugh.

"Ain't no whore gonna sit on our throne," he gurgled.

"How dare you!" The warden stepped forward, an iron rod out and ready.

Kat didn't give him the chance to strike the man. With a thrust of her hand, she shattered the ice inside his neck, ripping his throat out with it. The body fell to the floor with a loud thump. The warden faltered, his hand shaking.

The rage inside her didn't subside. She turned to the rest of the prisoners.

"This is an example," she said, her voice loud and clear. "For anyone who will insult me or oppose me. I do not need to ask what you are, and you are lucky to be alive. You will serve your sentence as per the law and be grateful for it."

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