6.2.|| The Trial of Champions

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A musical laugh preceded Cecille's appearance. She was once again draped in a gray gown which seemed to be made out of the softest vapor. Her black hair flowed behind her and her dark eyes were filled with amusement. Her ethereal appearance was as enchanting as ever, but Cage was starting to become immune to it.

"I see you're having a reunion," the High Fairy said, glancing at the portraits.

"Yes, we were having a conversation." He saw no point in telling her that she was rudely interrupting.

Cecille floated into the air and placed herself upside down, glancing at the portraits. Her dress was not affected by gravity and continued to rest against her knees. "It always fascinated me how you managed to save the essence of your friends."

"You're the one who did the complicated magic." Or so he'd always assumed.

"I just provided you with a vessel." She spun again, landing next to the sofa. "The magic was all you. I should have known then that you would be up for the task, even if you were useless for seven years."

"Best seven years of my life," he deadpanned. "Why are you here?"

"To check on your progress."

"Ah, so you decided to see if we're still alive after you tossed us in front of the palace gate."

She dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "It was the most efficient place to be."

"You threw a mermaid on dry land! You almost had us all killed!"

"You humans and your petty dramas."

The answer was not unexpected and Cage would not fall into an argument that could end with him being immobilized and tortured by magic again. "Alright. Where have you been?"

The fairy frowned at him. "Excuse me, but do I answer to you now?"

"I thought it would be useful for me to check on you as well seeing as--" You ruined my life. "--we're bound together now."

"That we are," she said, but didn't sound thrilled.

"Do you have any news on Lucille and what she's planning?"

"No." Cecille hesitated and Cage was convinced he was about to hear more bad news. "It doesn't work like that."

This he hadn't expected to hear. "What doesn't work like what?"

"Lucille has revealed herself, so the game has officially commenced."

"A game? This is a game to you?"

The High Fairy hesitated again, and this time he could actually read her expression. She was considering whether to share something with him. For a second, it seemed possible, but then her expression darkened and she closed off.

"This is no business of yours, human."

He'd expected that answer. He was already so used to Cecille's moods that she had become predictable. Unfortunately for her, he'd changed a lot since the day she'd cursed him, and she hadn't been around enough to see how. Everything that had happened since Kat had destroyed the Jolly Marauder had marked him deeply, shifted his perspective on the world and his role in it. His role was not to be a plaything for a fairy.

"Fine, keep your secrets. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than entertain you."

The pain was immediate, but he'd expected it. Instead of tensing, he forced his magic to untense his muscles. It worked and the pain became manageable. As expected, Cecille scowled at him and released him.

"This is the first time you fight me."

"As I mentioned, I have other more pressing matters to take care of. You're either here to help or I don't need you."

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