7.1.|| Word on the Street

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Over the next few days, Cage dealt with a great deal of administrative matters meant to ease his mind while he waited for something to happen. For either Jazz and Jinx to return, though he was aware it was too soon, for Madeline Harkiss to convince her father to show up for a meeting, for Trix to show up with news, or for Terrani to get the hell out of his palace with his elite assassins.

So in order to occupy his time, he organized trials for the royal guards, purged the Grand Palace of potential traitors and sat through endless hours with Humphrey in order to plan the coronation.

"You should publicly announce it sooner," the Palace Master kept muttering to himself.

"I'll announce it as soon as I get word on how I should do that." Cage was bored with giving the same answer over and over again, so his eyes strayed to the portraits in the throne room.

He'd left them uncovered after killing Fherras, and though it had been an act of rebellion, he realized the brilliance of it. After all, Fherras had hidden them for a reason. He'd always claimed it was deference towards the dead. What he truly wanted was to make sure the people forgot there was a pattern for the traits of the Pengranton kings. One he did not possess as the second son.

Now, every time anyone came from an audience, they got to see just how much Cage matched the appearance of his royal ancestors. He should call more people over in the throne room. It was where he was supposed to hold court anyway, but that had obviously dwindled given the new situation.

"Three hundred guests will not be enough," Humphrey complained.

"Invite more than. The entire court of Annora, all governors of the Free Cities of Talia and their courts... Make it big and lavish and very entitled."

"That..." The older man scratched his head with his pen. "That is a very good idea."

"Make it free access for the people if you must." Cage stood from the throne and stretched. "And put Fherras' portrait on this wall."

"Excuse me?"

Humphrey's shock was justified, but Cage had thought it through. "He was king, after all. Rightfully so or not." Plus, this way he might appease Edmund, because he did not enjoy the fall out with his brother at all.

"That is true." The Palace Master noted something down.

"Has my brother left his chambers?"

"Ah." The word was soft but Cage caught it. "No, he has not. His highness and the Queen Mother break their fast in their chambers and do not leave them."

Cage let out a groan. "They should at least stretch their legs in the garden." Stubborn people! His mother didn't have a reason for fear and Edmund should know better. "What about Lord Terrani?" Another ongoing problem.

"His legs have been stretching quite a bit."

"Did his men finish searching the palace?"

"I'm not sure." Humphrey tapped his chin with the pen. "But I have allowed them ample access as per your orders."

"Good. Arrange for a state dinner with him tonight." It was about time to invite him to the coronation and send him home for the time being.

A ball of unease formed in his gut at the thought that Jazz couldn't be there for his coronation, but his friend would understand. It was harder for him to understand why he had to play this game.

"Yes, your Majesty."

He'd almost stopped cringing whenever he heard that. Almost. "I'll be out in the gardens if you need me. I need some time to think."

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