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The state of Endir was a mess. Jazz had been to Yraik many times, and even some other, smaller port towns, but deep within the heart of the land, the poverty was crushing. For him, it was a matter of curiosity, but Jinx seemed to be feeling it to her very core.

She'd never shown any particular loyalty to her kingdom. Just like him, the moment she'd left, she'd cut ties with everything. But apparently being back there unleashed a torrent of memories she could no longer ignore. He felt awful, but in true Jinx fashion, she refused his sympathy. Her wall against weakness wouldn't come down even for him. He accepted it, only made sure she knew she could always count on him if it became too much.

It was how it had always worked with them. When they met, neither of them was looking for a relationship. It was the complete honesty and comfort that pushed them together romantically. For him, it was also how exceptionally beautiful and attractive she was. But it was her personality which had made him stay.

Ever since they'd met, she'd always been lively and optimistic, even in the most dire of situations. Seeing her lose her fire muted the colors of his world. And the deeper into Endir they moved, the more thoughtful she became.

They had to keep pretending that he was an Iridian slave to make it work. Jinx was very good at treating him like trash when people were around, but he could see it got to her. Even if she'd stopped apologizing at his request, it was obvious that the scenario they were playing out was affecting her more than it did him. Furthermore, even after wandering for so long, they were unable to gather any decisive information to bring back to Cage.

No one outright spoke of what was happening in Corosa. Some people seemed to have hope that magic had returned, others just wallowed in their misery. The army appeared to be on the move, but not towards the borders. It was an inconclusive mess of gossip that didn't seem to go in any one direction.

"I hate this," Jinx said one night as they were resting in yet another decrepit tavern. "But I think we'll have to wander into Corosa."

Jazz took his chain off and rubbed the back of his neck. "I figured that much."

She let out a long sigh and walked over to him. "I'm so sorry about this." She placed her hands on his neck and tried to soothe the discomfort.

"We've discussed this multiple times. This is the best plan. You don't have to keep apologizing."

"It's hurting you!"

He huffed. "What? The chain? Be serious! It might be slightly uncomfortable, but it is by no means hurting me."

"It's degrading and humiliating," Jinx insisted. "I hate seeing you like that."

He quirked an eyebrow. There seemed to be more to it than even that. "Like what?"

She hesitated, suddenly unsure of what she wanted to say. "Submissive. Defeated."

"Oh, love." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. "I'm not submissive or defeated and you know it."

"I know, I know," she mumbled into his chest. "But I hate even the thought that you could ever be."

He buried his face in her hair. "You know you don't have to be scared for me, right?"

She tensed at his words. They'd always lived a dangerous life, but ever since they returned on land, something was different. He hadn't discussed it with her, but he suspected it had something to do with his wanted status. Since he was on land, he was much easier to catch. His suspicion was confirmed once Terrani showed up in Valona, and she became even more jumpy.

"This is not a game, Jazz," she said, pulling away from him. "You're not safe here."

"You're a spy for the king of Iride. Neither are you."

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