JAZZ - Part 2

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While Jazz waited, he analyzed the wall of the house. The wood was dark gray and he recognized it as being brought in from the nearby forest. It was harsher to the touch than the materials he was used to, and there was no coat of paint on it. He wanted to knock on it to gauge its resistance, but abstained in case it was thin and then he could alert someone.

Right on time, Jinx returned, holding a heavy chain.

"Where'd you get that?" he asked, a little startled.

"Nicked it from the blacksmith. It might take him some time to figure out it's missing. Hands out."

"You're not tying me up with that."

"I am if you want to step out into the open and join me in the inn."

Jazz gritted his teeth wondering if the promise of a warm bed would soothe the humiliation. "I'd rather be tied under different circumstances."

"Cute, but it's either this or you wait out here while I go snoop for information."

That was definitely out of the question, so with a groan he reached out his wrists and conceded to playing a prisoner. He even decided to go all in, so he hunched and walked with a slight limp to indicate that Jinx might have roughed him up at some point.

The inn was easy to spot since it was one of the few buildings with lights on and was the largest in the main square. The inside was marginally warmer than the outside and everything, from the bar to the tables and benches, were made out of the same dark wood.

There were few patrons inside, obviously not guests but rather regulars of the tavern side, but they all halted their conversations as Jinx walked in.

"What?" she challenged, her Endirian flawless. She didn't bother waiting for an answer but headed to a table in the back, yanking Jazz along.

He made a show to stumble, but followed her and sat in front of her at the table in the corner. The seat was surprisingly uncomfortable.

"Hey!" The barkeep, a large man with the belly the size of an ale keg, rushed over to them. "You can't have that thing in here."

"I beg your pardon?" Jinx said, her tone deadly.

"That..." The large man nodded towards Jazz. "Vermin belongs outside."

"I see your point," she said with a curt nod. "But I intend to sell this vermin for top coin, so I will not be leaving him out in the cold. It does not appear that this establishment has a stable."

The innkeeper huffed. "A stable? Where do you think you are? Corosa? Ain't no one in these parts who owns horses."

Jazz opened his mouth to ask something, but she kicked him under the table. It took all his willpower not to curse.

"Yeah? What about the army?"

The man narrowed his light eyes at her. "Where you from, lass?"

"Don't lass me, you simpleton," she said between her teeth. "It's none of your fucking business where I'm from."

"Then get out of my inn."

"Gladly. And I'll let my guild know they're not welcomed in this shithole either."

"Gu-gu-guild?" The man's eyes moved from her to Jazz and the chains. "My apologies. Would you like some food and ale?"

Jazz raised his head enough to lift a questioning brow at Jinx, but she completely ignored him, still glaring at the innkeeper as if he'd mortally offended her.

"I asked you a question, moron."

"We haven't seen any army here for years."

Jinx accepted his answer with a slight nod. "Yes, I want food and ale. And a room for the night. Also, bring something for my possession as well."

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