Author Note

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Coming in 2024.

You thought I would forget to finish this and leave you on a cliffhanger?

Not a chance!

Welcome to Crown of Blood!

This is the final book in the Fairy's Gambit trilogy which is meant to settle all political and romantic unrest.

Do I have a plan? Eeeeh, somewhat? Do I have a direction? I do know where it's going, so that must count for something. 

Once again, we shall pick where we left off last time.

With the curse binding Kat and Cage together lifted by Cecile, the two former lovers now find themselves rulers of warring kingdoms. Of course, they might still salvage this and settle on fair trade, but will they when both their hearts had been tampered with by the mean ole fairies who can't keep their grubby hands off their pawns?

Then we have our favorite new characters Jazz, Jinx and Trix and their involvement in the plot of the new book. We're also back on land, so no more pirates, but former friends (who wants to see Joey again?).

So prepare for the exciting conclusion riddled with drama, war, love and, of course, a lot of magic!


Seeing what a mess I made last time and that life circumstances have changed a lot, I will do my best to find a semi-predictable schedule that everyone can work with. 

I hope to see you all soon and I surely hope you will enjoy the story!

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