Chapter 11: A Study Session

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(Taes pov as usual)

Days passed and we four grew closer as we started being in same group of friends... we even sometimes used to hangout after school for fun!

However these peaceful days weren't going to last longer as the thing that every student hates was coming closer.... EXAMS!


(At school, in lunch break)

Lisa: "its really coming isn't it... our final exams?"

Jungkook: "It means we must get back to studying... we all are from big families so we are always expected to score high... *looks at Tae* except one maybe..."

Taehyung: "It's better for yall cuz i'm gonna get kicked out of this school if I score low, don't forget that i am a scholarship student."

I looked at Jennie to see what she is thinking.

Jennie: "So that means, none of us can afford to score low..."

Lisa: "How about this... shall we have study sessions together for exams?"

Jungkook: "That sounds good, I would love to see lisa's bedroom!"

Lisa: "We won't be studying at my home, my dear boyfriend" *smiles sweetly at jungkook*

Jungkook: *sighs* "We can't have it at my home either..."

Good Jungkook, I am at the risk of getting exposed if I go to jungkook's house as his parents know me very well...

Jennie: "I myself don't get enough freedom at my place... there will be bodyguards all around us while we study so its better to avoid my home..."

(everyone shifts their gaze at Taehyung)

Taehyung: "Alright! I got it, we will have study session at my place... but let me warn you beforehand that my place is a crappy apartment, u won't get any luxuries there!"

Lisa: We don't even expect any! *smiles*

Jungkook: *looks at lisa mischievously* "can u come with me for a sec?"

Lisa: *raises eyebrow but agrees anyway* "alright..." *to Tae and Jennie* "excuse us... bye!"

(Jungkook and Lisa leave together)

Taehyung: "This couple istg..."

my gaze automatically turned towards Jennie... and she was SMILING

Jennie: "They are kinda cute aren't they... I sometimes envy them..."

envy them... does that mean she wants what they have... she needs a boyfriend... we must get married as soon as possible...

Taehyung: *while calming my delusional mind* "yeah they are cute... *looks at jennie* do u want one... a boyfriend i mean?"

I don't understand why I suddenly get so brave...

Jennie: *blushes with confusion* "huh...? w-where did that come from?"

The way she gets flustered is so adorable.

Taehyung: "Anyways, I wonder what they are cooking!"

"...or probably just another make out session"

Jennie's pov: "Why do I always get so flustered when he says such things... such things never happened to me before... I should be more careful"

(Liskook return after sometime and we continue our discussion about study session, we decide that we will meet at my place this weekend)


(saturday, 10 am, at Taehyung's apartment)

I was watching a romantic kdrama yesterday so I stayed up late at night... the worst part is I totally forgot to set an alarm to wake myself up for today... today was the day of study session.

Windows closed, room darkened, I was in deep sleep when the bell of my apartment ringed!

Taehyung: "huh..?? What!?"

I thought I was dreaming so I went back to sleep...

Then I heard someone knocking on the windows...

???: "Taehyung? Are you there?"

A sweet voice came from someone standing near the window from outside... I thought it sounded familiar but I was still half asleep so I got up and opened the window to see who it is...

Taehyung: "Who is it-"

I saw a pair of extremely beautiful eyes staring at me! these eyes... waitt... JENNIE KIM????



My sleep instantly disappeared as the reality hit me!

Also, the fact I have a habit of sleeping half naked!

Jennie: *chuckles* "You haven't even woke up yet... *blushes a bit* at least put a shirt on"


I immediately covered myself with my hands... I have never been afraid to show my well built body in front of others but why am i getting so embarassed rn? is this what happens when u r in love...?

Taehyung: *gets red with embarrassment* "S-sorry... just a minute..."

I grabbed my tshirt on nearby table and wore it within a second.

then i went to the front door and opened it...

Taehyung: "I'm sorry, ig my alarm clock didnt work today.... please come in!"

Jennie: "it's alright... it seems I am the first to arrive"

Taehyung: "Yeah... "

Jennie looks around to see if there is a place to sit..


My apartment was already crappy but it was also messy cuz i didn't get time to clean it up... fuck i shouldn't have watched that drama yesterday..

Taehyung: *points towards bed* "You can sit there for now, I'll clean this mess in no time"

Jennie nodded and sat on my bed.. while I started cleaning my mess...

the room was filled with awkward silence

so i decided to break it...

Taehyung: "Do you need... water maybe?"

Jennie: "Yes please" *she said with a light smile*

I gave her water and she drank it

and another wave of silence hit us...

but this time, unexpectedly, she broke it.

Jennie: "So... do u work out?"

Hold up! She is asking me this, it must mean she is thinking about earlier, how she saw me half naked.. did she liked it, am i that attractive.. i don't blame her cuz i had really worked hard to achieve this body but does that mean she is interested in me? that must be it... we should get marri-

Jennie: "Those dumbells look pretty heavy" *she pointed at the dumbells kept at a corner of my room*


so that's why she asked it... *sighs internally as reality hit me*

Taehyung: "Yes I do work out regularly"

That was so delulu of me to assume she was thinking about my body...

Jennie's pov: Thank god those dumbells were there... Why did I even ask him that question? Not my fault, commoners aren't supposed to be this attractive anyways.. (She's coping guys)

Taehyung: "These two are pretty late"

(Phone rings)

Taehyung: "It must be them!"

It was Jungkook, I answered the phone...

Taehyung: "Where the hell are you both?"

Jungkook: "You guys should start without us today... we won't be coming"

I heard a girl laugh from behind Jungkook

Taehyung: "Wait lisa is with you? Why aren't you coming??"

Lisa: "Sorry Taehyung, the reason we are not coming is... kinda personal" *laughs*

I hear them both laugh

Taehyung: "Can u explain properly?"

Jungkook: "like she said, It's personal! Please understand Taehyung, also enjoy ur private time with your soon-to-be-girlfriend *they both laughed again* BYE!"

Taehyung: "Hey! wait!"

He ended the call.

Does this mean...


-to be continued

-Meme Time-

Jennie: *breathes*



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So This marks the beginning of new arc, which is exams arc! This may not be focused on exams despite the name but be prepared as we are slowly getting closer to final arc! Stay tuned!

I have mentioned this before but I might delay my updates since my own exams r going on currently... I apologise in advance

Also I would really appreciate if you show your support by upvoting and commenting! Thank you!

When The Son Of Biggest Mafia Becomes A Commoner  || Taennie au ||Where stories live. Discover now