Chapter 2 : An Old friend

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Taehyung: "I survived! A 'commoner' like me survived! Even after going against the daughter of the most powerful man in Daegu!"

"Unbelievable right? All thanks to her! I think I should at least thank her."

Thus I immediately left the principal's office and started searching for Jennie. Fortunately I immediately found her.

She was walking in the corridor while a girl next to her was reading something from a file.

"Seems like a busy girl" that's what a commoner would think but it's not always like that, believe me I have experience.

But man she sure is pretty!

Not only me but everyone thinks that way.. everyone in the corridor was struck by her beauty, and they wet trying their best not to make it obvious

I should hurry up

Tae : "Heyy! Kim Jennie!!"

I shouted

Everyone's gazes turned towards me. No one said nothing but their judging gazes were already looking down on me, a 'commoner'

She stopped.

She turned around to check who called for her. Our eyes met. Damn those eyes again!

However she nodded to the girl who was reading for her and started walking again.

Tae : "Did she just ignore me?"

The girl who was reading approached me.

The girl : "Miss Jennie said she's busy rn so she can't see you"

Tae : "but she's just walking-"

We both looked at Jennie while she was still walking in corridor

The girl : "Y-yeah she's busy in walking"

Is that supposed to be a joke? C'mon Jennie Kim, should have at least taught your minions how to make proper excuses

The girl : "She's always busy! You know nothing about her! You don't know what it means to be the child of the strongest mafia"

So a random girl would tell me that I, ME THE SON OF THEE KING OF SEOUL, doesn't know what it means to be a child of a mafia.. well, I'm a 'commoner' rn so i will spare her

The girl : "A commoner should stay away from her. Leave her alone & mind your own business"

She left

I just wanted to thank her!?  Now I understand why everyone wasn't staring at her openly. They must be scared

Nevermind! It was Jane's fault anyway. I shouldn't be even thanking her

I was so much lost into thinking about Ms. Kim that I didn't realise someone is in front of me.

??? : "She's cute, isn't she?"

Tae : "yeah she sure is cute but her attitu-"

wait who am I talking to?

The voice is familiar! Wait it can't be-

I lifted my head to see it was.

Tae : "NO WAY!!"

I couldn't believe my eyes! It caught me off gaurd that i almost screamed with excitement!


Jungkook : "Hey buddy! It's been a while!"

Jeon Jungkook, the son of Jeon Jae-bum, one of the biggest business man in Korea.. He's the future ceo of Trueblue Clothing Ltd. His father and my dad are friends too! I'm so glad he's here! Now I don't have to worry about getting lonely

When The Son Of Biggest Mafia Becomes A Commoner  || Taennie au ||Where stories live. Discover now