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I'm going to kill that fucker..

Day 3

Minho drug his feet against the sidewalk as he slowly walked to the studio. His producer called this morning and didn't seem entirely happy with him. On his way to the studio the hospital also called. Minho's father wasn't improving at all, but he wasn't getting worse which provided some good news.

Ming called as well. The group was concerned with his absence from the group since they had a performance soon, and they really needed Minho in practice.

So with a whole new load of stress adding onto that of yesterday's he pushed his way into the studio. Minho headed to the producer's room. The producer basically told Minho he had to really get working with Stray Kids and reminded him of his upcoming performance. Honestly, he was just glad nothing about yesterday had been brought up so far.

Minho went and set up Stray Kids' room before heading to practice with his group. The plan was to at least get a good two hours in with his actual group before going to help Stray Kids but that was quickly thrown out the window after the first hour when Minho's producer came in and asked why he wasn't with Stray Kids.

Rushing around the studio all day trying to keep up with his demands Minho eventually found himself sitting in the bathroom trying not to break down. When he got another call from his producer he was about to loose it.

Arriving with Stray Kids again where the tension was at an all time high really didn't help him. Minho had made great progress with them. They were almost to the chorus when he received a bunch of messages from Ming. Stray Kids watched as Minho ran his fingers through his hair and sighed of frustration. They watched him pick his phone up and quickly reply before setting his phone down and telling them to continue.

After another hour Ming came into the practice room and Stray Kids watched in horror as the two got into a heated argument. Ming walked out of the room and slammed then door. Minho just told Stray Kids to continue until his producer came in.

Minho grabbed his phone and left. Stray Kids all looked at each other. They were stunned with the way Minho's life ran. How could he keep up with this?

"Keep bitching Ming and I swear I'll leave your sorry ass group behind." Stray Kids heard as Minho entered their room again.

"Real mature Minho! Always running from your damn problems and blaming other people for them!" Ming yelled back.

Minho shut the door and slid down it. His head buried in his hands as he tightly gripped his hair. Sighing he stood back up and turned to Stray Kids.

"Alright we are going to work on the parts you already know and make sure everything looks good and then we can be finished for today." They just nodded not wanting to give him anymore problems.

Felix was still injured and sat out watching closely as the group danced. Minho would occasionally stop and fix things. While Minho was in the middle of instructing Changbin Minho's producer entered the room.

"What the hell happened between Ming and you earlier?!" The producer yelled.

Minho took a deep breath. "Well for starters he's like a bull running a hundred miles an hour in random directions because of all his stressed. For another I'm hardly at practice with all of my other schedules and not to mention you up my ass. Besides Ming can't figure out how to correct the members' dancing because I'm not there and I can't be there which for some reason made him decide to blow up on me."

The producer just shook his head. "You have never had a problem balancing these things before."

"Well maybe that was because I didn't have my parents on their fucking death bed!" Minho snapped.

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