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Why did she have to get injured?

Night before..
Performance Day
Minho's POV

I have spent the last hour pacing around my room. My cats were all sleeping in their room while I was on the brink of a panic attack. Of course the dance we are doing just has to be sensual, and to top it all off I have to fucking sing! My worst nightmare is coming to life. Well I've already lived through most. The bandage on my neck was quite the reminder.

My apartment was an embarrassing mess. I had thrown a few things out of anger but obviously now everything was just panic. I slammed my pillow down on my bed before pulling my phone out and making my way back to the studio. I figured it would be better to practice now. The song that they were covering was probably one of the worst songs for me to perform. Only because of how sensual and just.. It's a lot.

Playing the song through the speakers in the quiet studio made me feel uncomfortable at first but I was able to warm up to it. I had to watch the dance practice video a few times before being able to do it myself. Although I have to say it looked hella weird without a partner. I ran through the song a few times before I heard a knock on the studio door. I quickly paused the music and went over to peek through the door to see who it was. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the very two people I wanted to avoid as much as possible until the stage.

I opened the door and a very tired Jisung and anxious Chan hyung entered. Why do I still call him hyung in my head? Oh well. I watched as they both went over to the couch on the right wall.

"What are you two doing here?" They were both putting on a big performance and need rest.

"I could be asking you the same thing hyung." Jisung's raspy voice cut the air like a freshly sharpened knife sending shivers down my spine.

"Well you aren't so explain." I wiped the sweat from my face as I sat down on the couch in between them.

"I couldn't sleep because I was worried about the performance so I kind of started pacing around which resulted in me waking up Sung and now we are here.." Chan hyung mumbled.

"That explains why you are awake but why are you here of all places?"

"Hyung knew you would be here and he wanted to see you before the performance tomorrow so he didn't lose his mind from stress." Jisung was slouching as he was barely keeping his eyes opened.

I hummed trying to think of dark thought so I wouldn't blush. Chan hyung grumbled something before reaching over and hitting Jisung. Jisung jumped up in shock and then tried to tackle Chan hyung but since my dumbass sat in the middle he basically had to climb over me to reach Chan hyung.

"Jisung!" I tried to push his off of me as he threw random light hearted slaps at Chan hyung. Chan hyung threw a few slaps in return nearly hitting me with one. "Hyung!"

My pleas for them to stop or at least move were only being received by deaf ears. Finally they stopped bickering and I was able to quickly slip away. I glared at them both.

"Alright if you have no other business of being here other than to drag me into your shenanigans I suggest you leave. I'm practicing for tomorrow and do not wish to be interrupted any longer."

Jisung looked at me with a wide grin that I knew all too well. Chan hyung looked between us before starting to snicker.

"Oh no. No that's- no." I tried to make myself clear but Jisung just jumped up and back hugged me while making us waddle over to the speakers. "Jisung." I warned.

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