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"My bunny.. how I missed you."

Day 4
pt. 2

⚠️Tw: slight gore, angsty af

Minho grimaced, "I'm not yours anymore. I certainly didn't miss you either."

"Oh dear.. you know I hate when you say such things. I raised you to be polite, what happened to you my bunny?"

Minho scoffed, "You have no right to touch me and say such things to me. You hold no power over me."

The man frowned before roughly grabbing Minho's hair. The man eyed Minho before tossing him to the ground.

"I don't know where you got this nerve but it needs to stop. Either by you willingly doing so or if I have to force it out of you."

Minho shivered at his words. The man suddenly looked straight at the producer and tilted his head. The producer held his breath as he watched a slow smile form on the man's face.

"Oh bunny, did you bring your friends with you? Clearly you didn't get my warning into that small little head of yours, hm?"

The man laughed manically as he held Minho by his throat. A knife was also being pressed against it. Minho's wide eyes of pure terror stared back at the soulless eyes.

"I told you. If anyone came you'd pay. Besides my little bunny you can now match with me~" The man pulled the knife away and cut his arm before putting the knife against Minho's neck again. "You are going to look so beautiful like this!"

Minho screamed out as the man carved Bunny into his neck. The police watched in horror and the producer felt sick as he was live-streaming it all. Minho suddenly kicked the man and ran to the closest side. When the man went to follow the police intervened.

Minho was rushed to the hospital and the producer was talking to his lawyer about the ordeal. Minho stared at the ceiling of his hospital room. His neck had to have stitches and was wrapped.

The door opened and Minho glanced over. Chan entered the room and approached Minho. He was staring at the bandaged neck. Minho looked away and just stared out the window.

"You ready to go home?" Chan asked softly.

Minho hummed, his neck wasn't in much pain from his medication and the numbing. Chan helped Minho get up and they both walked out of the hospital together.

On the way home Minho was completely silent. Chan had tried a few times to start a conversation but quickly realized Minho was in no mood to talk. So instead Chan began ranting about everything he was thinking about.

Just a few more hours Minho and everything will be fine. I promise.

Chan glanced at Minho, the one who was supposed to be his rock but had crumpled and now Chan was his rock. Chan didn't mind after all he was everyone's rock which made him feel important, like he was actually needed.

"Maybe I should change that note. It's been bugging me all week and like I feel if I could just tweak that one note it would sound so much better! Jisung says I'll only make it worse which is probably true because- uh, I don't know." Chan was watching the road as his grip slowly tightened.

"Anyways, I tried that new step you taught us and I thought that it matched the beat so perfectly. It was really satisfying and amazing how you could do that. I think Hyunjin and Felix have been taking notes. You should see the way Felix's eyes sparkle and Hyunjin's face when he is watching you." Chan held his tongue this time. Keeping in his own thoughts about himself. I could never give them that.

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