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"Perfect, he is going to love this. That way he will never have to deal with that again."

Day 4

Minho groaned as he sat up in bed. His cats' loud meows waking him up. It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend but since Minho now had more responsibilities he figured this was the only time he'd be able to get caught up on them.

Minho started by feeding his cats and making sure they had a grooming appointment set up as they were starting to get a little more hairy. Then he checked his calendar to see that all he had was to deal with Stray Kids. That wouldn't be so hard.

Minho saw he had a few missed calls and checked to see who it was. The producer called the most, then an unknown number, and finally the hospital. Figuring the hospital was the most important Minho decided to answer that one first.


"Ah, you finally called back. We are just updating you that his condition isn't any different and you are going to have to make a decision in the next two days as we are running out of room."

"Oh. Alright then. Thank you for letting me know this."

The hospital hung up first. Minho sighed and went to click on the producer's missed calls when the unknown number began calling him again. He ignored it but the call was followed by a message. Clicking on the message his heart dropped.


come meet me at XXXX. 20:00 (8:00)pm don't be late.
click to download image

Minho's breathing grew shaky as he clicked on the image. Up came a picture of his apartment. Then it was a close up of Minho changing in his bedroom. Minho dropped his phone and looked around.

The pictures came from outside so he quickly shut the blinds to the house and began packing up his important essentials. Then putting his cats in their cat carrier he quickly left his apartment making sure to lock it.

When Minho arrived at the studio he was rapidly breathing and shaking. He went straight to the producer's office and set everything in there before sitting down next to it. His head in his hands as he shook his head thinking about everything.

Hearing the door open Minho didn't even have to glance to realize who it was. Two arms immediately were around him and he recognized them. He had been wrapped in them many times before. Chan.

Minho let his first tear fall as the memories of everything flooded through his mind. They had been so torturous but now they held a certain warmth.

"Min what's going on?"

Chan's soft voice pulled Minho from his dwelling thoughts and memories. Minho shook his head, he didn't want to believe this was true but also didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Min look at me. Please?"

Minho just sniffled and let Chan move his hands out of the way. Minho kept his gaze on his knees as he heard Chan softly sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Chan gently placed his finger underneath Minho's chin and softly guiding it upwards. Minho looked at Chan and that's when the damn broke. "Minho?"

Minho clung onto Chan as he let out choked sobs. "The- the.. picture..! I..I.."

"Hold on. Min you have to calm down first. You are going to make yourself pass out." Minho just clutched onto Chan's shirt tighter. "What picture?"

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