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"They're so fucking perfect."

Three Days Later..
Minho's POV:

Soonie is resting with his brothers at my dad's house. I'm preparing to leave for a while in order to settle my mom's funeral and finish planning my dad's ahead of time.

Three days ago I let my guard down only to wake up to an empty house. Of course I knew they couldn't stay, but they could have told me or something. Instead, I found out through seonbaenim that JYP had an emergency come up and needed them back ASAP.

I had performed yesterday with my group and found out all of them were taken. Ming hyung had filled me in on the new couple which honestly we all saw coming but didn't at the same time. I had organized my time off with seonbaenim and he totally understands which is a bonus because I'm still getting paid.

To the say the least, I'm not pleased. I have to fake my happiness for the next month that I spent with my dad before he gets his home nurse. I need to find someone to take my cats and once my dad dies everything will be finial. My phone started ringing pulling me from my never ending thoughts.

"Yes seonbaenim?"

"Good luck with your mom's funeral Min. Let me know if you need anything. Oh, as an early heads up Ming is probably going to be spamming you later out of worry. Just ignore him."

"Sounds good." I zipped up my suitcase.

"Safe travels Min. I'm sorry about-"

"Thanks." I hung up.

I don't want to be a rude person but I'm not in the mood, ever, to talk about my feelings, especially my pain and sadness. Sighing, I locked my apartment door and walked to the train station.

A posting about Stray Kids' event was posted at the station only fueling my anger. Fuckers can't even say goodbye but have the guts to say they love me and all that bullshit? What a joke. I'll just have to clear my thoughts on this train ride before putting on my Oscar worthy performance for my dad.

"Hi dad." I walked into the living room to see him leaning over the coffee table.

"If it isn't the big man! Hey buddy!" The cheerful face made my heart clench.

"Hi papa.." I mumbled as he hugged me.

He's gotten so much weaker and I can't imagine the pain of losing the love of his life. I promised myself I wouldn't put him through the pain of losing me.

"Do you want some tea? I can get you a cup, yes and we can discuss some photos together. Your mom had an art of always making me look terrible in all photos!" He was laughing as he waddled into the kitchen that was in graved in my childhood memories.

My childhood home was coming to its end along with all of the residents. Quite sad to most but rather peaceful to me. The pain will be over before I know it.

"Ma would be excited to know that her flowers arrived."

"Oh please, she was as blind as a bat! I'm glad I was saved two hours of having to explain every little detail to her deaf ears." I could sense the sadness behind his words.

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