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I missed you Minho..


Day 9

Minho had just paid a visit to his father in the hospital and was casually heading to the studio when something caught his eye. It was a small coffee shop that looked brand new but wasn't opened yet. The outside looked freshly painted but the inside remained blank and dull. Then a boy who looked around Minho's age suddenly entered from the back and began measuring the space.

When the two locked eyes the boy seemed to freeze. His eyes froze and stared back at Minho. Minho just nodded his head and began to walk away. The boy followed Minho's figure for a moment before pulling his phone out and texting someone.

Minho arrived to an absolute shit show. Everyone was panicking and running around. The producer was in his office with the door locked. Even the usually calm secretary seemed panicked. Worriedly Minho went to the practice room and the sight he was met with was almost too much. Jisung was awkwardly standing next to Seungmin who had a very distressed Hyunjin clinging to him. Felix was pacing as Jeongin constantly tried to calm him down. Then what really struck Minho's heart was Chan curled up in a corner with Changbin gently sitting in front of him and talking to him.

"Okay what the fuck happened?"

Everyone's heads whipped to look at Minho. He took another glance over everyone before his gaze settled on Jisung.

"Uh.. well so you see.. uhm." Jisung paused and bit his lip looking at Changbin.

"Spit it out Jisung." Minho snapped.

"Well- theconcertsbeenmovedtotomorrow." Jisung quickly said the last part hoping Minho wouldn't understand.

"Jisung what?"

"The concert has been moved to tomorrow night. It has everyone panicking." Changbin finally made Jisung's point clear.

"Oh." Minho shrugged. "You'll been fine. As long as we make progress today I can have you ready to go for tomorrow. I know you all have had far worse challenges."

The seven boys stared at Minho blankly before Felix ran over to Minho. Apparently Minho had been a bit too optimistic for Felix.

"How are you so sure? I mean the stage isn't even set up! The choreography isn't finished and we haven't tested anything yet. Our outfits are here but not assigned yet, we have to make sure the backtrack works and not to mention all the people that might be screwed over because now the concert is moved."

Minho stared sternly at Felix.

"Well you sure as hell can't do anything if you are stressing this badly. Besides think Felix, how much of that is actually in your control? Not very much so just let people get it situated while you focus on what you can control to make this concert successful. Am I clear?"

Felix had his brows furrowed in thought. Slowly he looked up at Minho and nodded.

"Yeah.. you're right."

Minho nodded before getting pulled to the side. He was now face to face with a panicking Chan. This was now his next challenge; how he was supposed to calm Chan down.

"Min, how is that even possible? We can't pull that off! Trust me this has never gone well when it happens to other idols."

"Exactly Chan hyung. You guys are not other idols. You are a group of the most talented people in Korea who can do anything they put their minds to."

Chan looked at the others before grabbing Minho and going to a different practice room. Minho was now on edge as usually when Chan wanted to speak privately it was never a good thing.

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