Episode 7

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Well, today’s the day. Arden is going to ask Chris out on a date. I couldn’t do anything so I just hang around my apartment, play my guitar and mostly just mope around

I think I played like 20 random songs before I got tired, I put back my guitar and turned on the TV, I really need to distract myself

20 minutes into the show, my cell phone started ringing, I was assuming it was Jamie but when I checked it, Arden’s name was on the screen so I quickly answered it. After hearing what she said, I quickly got dressed and went to her, she said she was in my…our Eden and she sounded drunk which worried me

I arrived and saw her sitting under a tree with 6 beer cans on her left, I approached her

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked

Arden looked at me, her eyes were teary, She looked like she’s been crying for a while now. She motioned me to sit next to her, so I did then she opened a beer can and gave it to me

I took it but I didn’t drink it, instead I just threw it away. I stared at her and the beer cans that was laying beside her, she only drank 2 beers but she already look like she was about to pass out but still she was holding a third can but she wasn’t drinking it, she was just staring on the ground

“He rejected me” she spoke “when I went to his store, everything was in boxes, I thought he was just cleaning so I ignored it and went ahead and asked him but he rejected me then said he was leaving”

I didn’t speak instead I just took out my handkerchief and offered it to her, she took it and held it in her hand, she then rest her head on my shoulder, “can we stay like this for a little while?” she asked 

I gently nodded

“Thanks” she whispered and we remained quiet

After a few minutes, I broke the silence

“Hey…I know...I’m being selfish for saying this but I’m glad he rejected you because it means that I have a chance with you but even so, this still doesn’t mean you want to be with me” I whispered to her “I don’t know how all this happened but the one thing I’m sure of right now is that I love you…I’m in love with you Arden”

I was waiting for her to say something or at least react but she just remained quietly still, I looked at her and saw that she was asleep. She didn’t hear anything that I have said, I sighed and gently stood, I then carefully carried her on my back and started walking towards her house

When we arrived, I carefully opened the door and went straight to her bedroom. I gently laid her on her bed, removed her shoes and change her shirt then I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and an Advil, just in case she suddenly wakes up and feel the hangover. I put it on the table next to her bed then left the house.

I quickly went straight to the bookstore. I want to have a word with that guy

I arrived and saw him loading boxes into his car, I quickly went to him

“How dare you reject Arden like that?! Don’t you know she’s in love with you?!” I raged “and why the hell are you moving? Are you purposely trying to hurt Arden?!”

Chris spoke “this isn’t about her” still loading boxes into his car

“Then why are you leaving?”

“Because I have to move on” he said, his eyes filled with sadness and longing

“Move on from what?”

Chris closed the trunk of his car then put the remaining boxes inside the empty store and closed the door. He then rode on his car and looked at me through the window “let’s go”

I looked at him for a bit then went ahead and rode in his car and we left

After a short drive, he stopped the car at a cemetery. He took some candles and a match then went out of the car and started walking, I went out the car as well and followed him

After a short walk, he stopped at a grave with the name “Darren Ward” embedded on it

He sat and started lighting the candles. I quietly sat next to him

He stared at the grave and spoke “It's almost a year now but I still can’t believe he’s gone, I miss him so much”

“Is he a relative of yours?” I asked

“No” he answered “he was my husband”

I turned to him, completely surprised at his revelation “Husband? You were married?”

He nodded “owning a bookstore was one of his dreams, so when he died, I established one” he said “he’s such a book lover and I guess I mourn over him through books”

“I’m sorry…I didn’t know…”

“It’s alright, I should have told you sooner” he continued “I sold the store and the books so I could start a new life and to help me move on as well, I know that’s what he wanted me to do”

I laid my hand over his, showing him my sympathy, he looked at me as tears started flowing from his eyes

We stayed there a while longer and headed back when it was getting late

Chris told me that he’s going to drive me home but instead I told him to just go to the store, so he did,

When we’re back at the store, I helped him load the remaining boxes into his car. When the last box was loaded, He rode his car and buckled his seatbelt

 I went to his window and gave him a smile, “good luck” I said

And for the first time, I saw him smile “thank you”

And then he left. I was left standing outside the empty bookstore.


After breakfast, I quickly went to Arden’s apartment, I want to see if she’s alright

I arrived and found the door unlock, I guess she’s already awake,

I entered the apartment and called out “Arden?! It’s Nicky! Where are you?!”

“I’m in the kitchen!” Arden replied

So I went there and saw her sitting at the table, with her hand on her head

“Not much of a drinker eh?” I teased

Arden looked at me and gave me a half smile “no, not at all”

I smiled then went and raided her refrigerator. I took out a carton of orange juice, a pack of crackers and a jar of honey. I poured a glass of orange juice then I laid the crackers on a plate and poured honey on it.

I then went and laid them on the table in front of Arden

“I’m not really hungry” She said

“That’s not breakfast Arden” I spoke “these” I pointed at the crackers and juice “are hangover remedies”

Arden looked at me with her brows furrowed

I stared at her and smirked “I know but trust me it works” I said “just make sure to take a nap after you eat”

She smiled at me and started eating

I can see right through her, her smile, it’s forced, she’s still hurting

I sat on the chair next to her ”you know, it’s best if you cry all that out of you” I turned to her ”instead of forcing yourself to smile”

She turned to me with tears falling from her eyes, she then hugged me and cried her heart out

I hugged and comforted her, I felt her pain and I cried as well. I kissed her forehead and whispered, “it’s alright, I’m here, always”

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