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Although it was festival day, Ahvi was not happy. Of course how would she be happy when it's her worst day ever. One side her pellichoopulu and another side her worst period cramps. God she wants to kill the groom guy even before meeting him.

Radhika walked inside her room and frowned "I thought your mom told you to wear a saree"

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Radhika walked inside her room and frowned "I thought your mom told you to wear a saree".

Radhika walked inside her room and frowned "I thought your mom told you to wear a saree"

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"This is only more for that idiot" Ahvi gritted out.

"Ahvi! Don't talk like that about your groom. What if you like him?" Vidya asked.

Ahvi scoffed "Like him? Hell if it was in my hands I wouldn't even meet him"

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Ahvi scoffed "Like him? Hell if it was in my hands I wouldn't even meet him".

Radhika caressed Ahvi's hair "Ahvi.. Don't make any conclusions without meeting him. I understand you don't want to marry but sometimes we meet the man who's meant for us under different circumstances. So keep an open mind".

"But... " Ahvi trailed off.

"Come down within ten minutes okay" Radhika squeezed Ahvi's shoulders before walking out of the room with Vidya behind her.

Ahvi sighed looking at herself in the mirror and took the nude lipstick from the dressing table and drew it on her lips. She rubbed her lips together when the door to her room opened startling her.

She looked at Deva who walked inside her room shutting the door behind him making her stand up and face him "What are you doing here?"

"It's my home! I can be anywhere I want" Deva replied.

Ahvi squinted her eyes "But this is my room and I'm your guest. Have some manners".

He looked her up and down "You didn't wear a saree".

Ahvi rolled her eyes "It's my body! My wish so I can wear anything I want" and started walking towards the door but Deva blocked her "What are you doing?".

He put his hand on her waist and walked her back pinning her to the wall startling her.

"Wha-" Even before she could complete her sentence he rubbed his thumb on her lower lip and felt sticky.

Deva frowned "Why are you wearing a lipstick?".

"Because I want to look beautiful. Now let go" She tried pushing him away.

He held her wrists and pushed her hands back pulling her close which made them chest to chest. She widened her eyes feeling breathless "Don't go down".

"What?" She asked.

"Are you a broken radio? Why are you repeating the same word again and again?" Deva asked.

She blinked her eyes and started struggling to get out of his hold making him hold her hands in one hand and moved his other hand to her waist before lifting her up carrying her to the dresser and sat her on the dresser.

He kissed her cheek making her gasp "H.How dare you?" and tried pulling her hands from his grip.

He let go of her hands and held her jaw kissing her face making her breathless sitting like a statue "I know you don't want to get married but you going down to consider another guy for marriage is making me mad"

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He let go of her hands and held her jaw kissing her face making her breathless sitting like a statue "I know you don't want to get married but you going down to consider another guy for marriage is making me mad".

She pushed him away "You've gone mad" and got down from the dressing table before walking to the door.

He held her wrist and pulled her back to him rounding his arms around her "Trust me, if you say yes to this match then you'll see my worst side".

She searched his eyes making him push her hair back from her forehead as she smiled sweetly at him and suddenly stomped on his foot making him grunt as she pushed him away "Go to hell" before going out and then downstairs.

'This shorty is stronger than she seems' Deva groaned in pain before following her.

"There she is our Ahvi" Radhika smiled as Ahvi walked down and sat before the groom's family.

"Wow! Ahvi you look so beautiful than your mother described" Ahvi looked at the groom's mom.

"Kalyani! Don't embarrass her" The groom's father looked at Ahvi "Ahvi! I'm Karthik's father Mohan and that's my wife Kalyani".

"Hello!" Ahvi smiled at both of them and gulped deciding to talk her opinion out about marriage "Actually... I don... ".

Before she could even complete her sentence a man in his mid twenties walked towards them "Sorry! I am late".

Before she could even complete her sentence a man in his mid twenties walked towards them "Sorry! I am late"

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Ahvi blinked her eyes not expecting to see the person who she thought she could never meet in her life. The guy sat between his parents and looked at Ahvi who was looking at him without blinking staring at him as if she had seen a ghost.

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