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It was eleven thirty and she was still going through design templates for the award cermony on her Macbook when her phone rang. She answered the video call to see Deva frowning but soon his frown turned into a smile "You are wearing glasses again".

Ahvi rolled her eyes "I always wear glasses when I'm working".

Ahvi rolled her eyes "I always wear glasses when I'm working"

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Deva chuckled "I missed seeing you in those little tiger".

She took off her glasses and put them in a box "I'm not little anymore".

Deva's expression turned naughty "I can see that".

Ahvi licked her lips trying to control her smile "So did you have a good sleep?"

Deva frowned "Is that why you didn't call me so I could rest?"

"Partly! But I had a meeting with a client. I got a deal for this year's filmfare awards" Ahvi packed up her work and walked to the bed pulling the sheets up to her ribs as she laid on her back.

Deva grinned "That's great news! This is your second movie related event and many more to go".

"What are you doing?" Ahvi asked.

"I just had a shower" Deva ran his hand through his hair which was still wet.

"Oh! Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah!" Deva put the phone against the dressing table and started drying his hair.

She raised her eyebrows and took screenshots of Deva drying his hair in only a towel "Did you eat or not after landing?"

"I did have a sandwich at the airport" Deva walked towards his suitcase and took out his clothes with his back to her.

She widened her eyes and put the phone to her chest when he was about to take off his towel and took deep long breaths fanning her face with her hand. She heard his chuckle making her frown "You...you shamless man".

"Why should I be shameless in front of you? It's all yours anyhow" She blushed at his words "You can look now tiger".

Ahvi stopped smiling and lifted her phone looking at him seriously to see him picking up the mobile from the dressing table and walking towards the door and opening it for a waiter who walked in with his food and left after he received a tip.

"Umm..attayya asked about the proposal today" Ahvi spoke to him.

"What did you say?" He drank warm lemon water.

"That I'll take time to consider her son who didn't even confess his love to me".

Deva raised his eyebrow "Right! You mean you'll take time to consider the marriage to the guy who you kissed".

"F...firstly....it wasn't a kiss and..and" She stopped when she saw him controlling his laugh and narrowed her eyes "Didn't you tell me just now that you are mine can't I even kiss what's mine?"

Deva chuckled "You can! In fact you can do anything you want and I'll never object it".

She covered her face with her palm trying not to show her embarrassed face to him making him laugh "You...you talk too much! I'm going to sleep bye" and disconnected the call even before he could talk.


The next day when Ahvi walked downstairs she saw Radhika and Vidya talking to Deva sitting in front of the TV with the phone connected to it.

"Most probably...it'll take a week more" Deva said.

"What! A week?Annayya we already miss you" Vidya pouted.

"I miss you too" As he said those words he looked at Ahvi who was standing behind the couch.

Ahvi smiled and sat beside Radhika "How is Italy?"

"As usual! You guys want me to bring something?" Deva asked.

"I don't need anything just come home to us safely" Radhika smiled.

Deva nodded "I'll call you later then! Bye" and disconnected the call.

"A week! Gosh! How do you stay alone when annayya is not here kannamma?" Vidya asked.

"I got used to it! But from now I'll not be alone" Radhika looked at Ahvi who stood up smiling.

"I'm going out to set up the production house. Will you come along?" Ahvi looked at her friend.

"Sure! Let me bring my bag" Vidya hurriedly bought her bag and both the girls bid goodbye to Radhika before going out.

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