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Once in Deva's room Ahvi fell back on the bed making him sit beside her and touch her legs startling her and sat up right "What are you doing?"

"Aren't your legs aching?" Deva put her feet on his lap pressing the pressure points making her groan.

"They are! But you are my husband and older than me" She pulled her legs back.

"I may be older but surely I'm your other half so that means I can touch your legs" Saying he was about to hold her legs again but she turned the other way.

"I don't need help with my legs! Just help me with my hair" Ahvi diverted his mind with some other work.

He pushed back the saree on her head taking off the pins and the papadi billa (maang teeka) and then the flowers slowly massaging her hair making her close her eyes as he let her hair loose to flow down her back.

He moved his hand to her necklace making her stand up "Go and have a bath meanwhile I'll take off the ornaments and put them in the locker".

"Sure you don't need any help?" Deva asked as he took off the chain from around his neck and gave it to her.

"I'll be fine" Ahvi assured him making him walk to the bathroom as she walked into the closet.

By the time Deva walked out of the bathroom after showering Ahvi locked the safe and turned around to see him only in towel making her fan her face with her hand as he walked to her and caged her between his arms "Why are you sweating even in the ac?"

"Because you're hot" She widened her eyes realising what she said while he chuckled.

"Cute tiger has become so open with her love huh" He bent down to kiss her but she pushed him away and rushed to the bathroom to get a shower.

Deva got dressed and took the hair dryer to dry his hair going through the emails sent by his PR team and downloaded the pictures of the wedding before posting them on his Instagram account.

Within seconds he got comments pouring on his twitter and instagram along with the congratulations from the friends and celebrities making him silent the mobile putting it on charge as Ahvi walked out of the closet making him sit her down on the chair before the dressing table and started drying her hair.

Within seconds he got comments pouring on his twitter and instagram along with the congratulations from the friends and celebrities making him silent the mobile putting it on charge as Ahvi walked out of the closet making him sit her down on the c...

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She smiled "You use to dry my hair like this when I was a child".

"Well I'll do it everyday I'm with you if you want" He put the hairdryer aside and combed her hair.

"You can and I'll return your favour" She stood up as he placed the comb back on the dressing table.

His eyes turned teasing "How?" and hugged her from behind.

"Not how you think" She swatted his hands away facing him.

"You don't even know what I think" He huffed as he followed her onto the bed.

"I'm not stupid! Now get some sleep" She switched off the lights and faced away from him closing her eyes.

For a few seconds she thought he'd do something well not what you guys think. She thought he'd at least hug her but he didn- her thought process stopped when she felt his breath behind her ear followed by a gentle whisper "I'll hug you to sleep. If you find it uncomfortable then let me know".

He slowly put his arm over her waist and moved closer to her and breathed her scent in hiding his nose in her neck relaxing his body once he felt no resistance from her. She stopped breathing for a few seconds but slowly she got used to him and didn't feel scared making him sigh and moved even closer to her than before both of them fell asleep.


The next morning everyone completed their head baths and dressed in pattu vastralu for Satyanarayana vratam by seven'o clock in the morning and started the arrangements for the pooja for the newly weds.

Everyone sat down in the living room while the couple sat before the god and poojari gaaru chanted mantras narrating five stories of the god by breaking each coconut for each story and mixed the coconut water and small pieces in the prasaadam

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Everyone sat down in the living room while the couple sat before the god and poojari gaaru chanted mantras narrating five stories of the god by breaking each coconut for each story and mixed the coconut water and small pieces in the prasaadam.

Everyone sat down in the living room while the couple sat before the god and poojari gaaru chanted mantras narrating five stories of the god by breaking each coconut for each story and mixed the coconut water and small pieces in the prasaadam

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After the story narration everyone stood up and took blessings of the god then poojari gaaru while Gayatri mixed the prasaadam and gave it to everyone in small bowls. There were at least fifty family members since it's a house function.

 There were at least fifty family members since it's a house function

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After the vratam everyone took the prasaadam and went to have lunch. After lunch Ahvi handed the thambulam containing pattu panche and beetle leaves to poojari gaaru who accepted it and took his leave.

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