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Deva sat opposite the anchor who looked at the camera and introduced herself and about the show before facing Deva "Hello Deva sir! Firstly... I'm so happy to be here, talking to you and interviewing you".

"Hi Sahana" Deva smiled a little.

"Let's not get into movies directly! I'm sure you've been busy with all the events related to Salaar. Since it's a little personal interview I'll tap into the real Deva" Sahana explained.

Deva raised his eyebrow "I'm sure fans know me well enough".

Sahana disagreed "That's not true at all! There are so many of us who want to know more about you".

Deva nodded once "Fine! But don't get too personal. I like to keep my life private".

"I promise to go easy on you sir" Sahana promised "Favourite color?"


"Favorite actor?"

"I watch everybody's films".

"Favorite female co-star?"

"Sweety... Umm.. Anushka Shetty".

"Best friend?"

"Everyone knows the answer to that! It's Gopichand".

"One place you'd like to be any time?"

"My home".

"Favourite food?"

"I enjoy food if it tastes good".

"Deva as a star? Or Deva as a son?"

"Deva as a star since I'm busy with shootings. I try to make more time to spend with my mom".

"Does Deva has a girlfriend?"

"May be! May be not".

"That's not an answer sir" Sahana looked at Deva.

Deva shrugged "I'm leaving it to your imagination".

"Alright! When is our darling getting married?"

"Whenever my mom decides it's time".

"Really? That's sweet! But do you have any particular list of qualities you want in your wife?" Sahana was curious just like everyone out there waiting to see Deva's to be wife or girlfriend.

Deva's gaze fell on Ahvi who was walking slowly towards the swing talking to someone on the mobile "I have only one type and you'll know her when I get married".

"So mysterious sir! We're eagerly waiting to see Mrs. Deva".

'She's sitting right behind you..' But Deva didn't say it out loud as Sahana asked about other film things making him answer.

After an hour the interview was done and the crew were packing up as Deva walked towards the swing where Ahvi was still on phone and sat beside her making her pull her stretched leg back but he held it and placed it on his lap.

"I... Umm... I'll call you later Karthik" Hearing Karthik's name Deva's gaze cut sharply to hers "You know there are outsiders here and could spread rumors about you".

"Let them! I don't care" Deva caressed the badage on her leg.

"But I do" Ahvi slowly pulled her leg back "I don't want people or your fans to actually make my life a hot topic on the social media. I've a reputation to keep".

She slowly tried to stand up and take a step forward but soon she was lifted by Deva in princess style and was carried  inside. Seeing them Radhika and Vidya stopped talking "Your son is so stubborn attayya" as he carried her towards the elevators.

"Don't blame me! He's like his father" Radhika stated as the elevator doors closed.

Once on the second floor the elevator doors opened making Deva walk out carrying her and towards her bedroom kicking the door open before placing her on the bed "You've gone mad!".

He put a pillow to the headboard making her lean back and put another pillow under her injured leg to keep it elevated "Have you eaten?"

Ahvi nodded making him walk to the side table and hand her the medicines and water which she silently gulped. He sat before her and caressed her hair back from her forehead "I'm sorry".

Ahvi narrowed her eyes "Why? It's not like you pushed me down the stairs".

Deva sighed "I shouldn't have let you go alone with Karthik".

Abvi scoffed "You really have gone mad, haven't you? I can go out anywhere I want and with anyone I want. I don't need your so called permission".

"And look where it bought you" Deva pointed at her injured leg.

Ahvi avoided his eyes "Accidents happen".

"And I don't want you getting hurt. If you want to go out I'll accompany you" Deva stated.

"I don't need your help" Ahvi looked straight into his eyes.

Deva sighed holding her cheek gently before moving his hand to her hair and pulled her close to his face with force making her gasp "You stubborn tiger listen to me! If you go against my word or put yourself in danger you'd not be able to face my anger. So... Be a good girl and take care of yourself while I'm gone".

Ahvi gulped at his grave, cold voice and her breaths turned shallow because of how close they were to each other. So close that they could feel each other's breath on their lips. Her gaze unknowingly went to his lips making him press their foreheads together "Don't look at me like that tiger you're not ready yet".

She widened her eyes and pushed him back running her hand through her hair "I need to sleep".

"Do you want my help?" Deva's eyes turned teasing.

She threw a pillow at him "Get out" making him laugh as he walked out of the door shutting it behind him.

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