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"Are you all going somewhere?" Deva walked towards the living room to see the maids carrying gifts bags outside.

"Are you all going somewhere?" Deva walked towards the living room to see the maids carrying gifts bags outside

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"Yes! We are going to vizag" Ahvi replied.

Deva's expression turned serious "I'm not going"

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Deva's expression turned serious "I'm not going".

"It's Gayatri! She called and said it was an emergency" Radhika stated.

"Whatever it is I'll take care from here" Deva cut his mom off "No mom! I attended Gayatri's wedding because I didn't want to spoil her special day but now we're done".

"That's your family" Ahvi reminded him.

Deva scoffed "Families never throw their family members out".

Radhika teared up "Deva....".

"Take an assistant with you" Deva started walking out but stopped when he felt a hand around his wrist.

"Everyone gathered in the palace. The elders and the extended family members too. They want to meet their king and it's high time his majesty returns to his rightful home" Deva turned to look at Ahvi who was already looking at him.

"They didn't bother about this king or his mother when we were thrown out" Deva pulled his hand back from her grip and walked towards the steps.

"So you're going to do the same thing they did" Ahvi scoffed "Abandon them! Some king you are".

Her words made him pause as she continued  "I mean what more can we expect from the guy who let his people suffer under someone who doesn't know how to take care of them. My grandpa was right! The true king rule ended with your father".

"Stop it!" Deva warned.

Ahvi questioned "Why? It's the truth! Your father trusted you with everything but you...you left everything behind just because your so-called uncle betrayed you and robbed you of your assets".

"I said stop it" Deva faced her angrily.

"You left everything! Your promise to your dad, your people, your family and me" Ahvi gritted out.

Deva felt short of breath listening to her. It's like she hid everything inside her and now she's putting out with an extra dose of what the remaining family felt too when he left his title behind.

"So put your damn ego and pent up anger that stuck up your behind aside and get ready to go back" She stated leaving no room for argument.

Deva went upstairs to his room leaving Radhika and Ahvi alone "Even I never spoke to my son in that way".

Ahvi looked at Radhika "I didn't mean to disrespect him".

Radhika laughed "No! No! You did right! It's high time he gets back to his responsibilities" and walked back to her room to double check if she has forgotten anything.

Ahvi bit her lower lip before pushing the door open to Deva's room to see it empty but a travel bag on the bed making her sigh that he's going with them.

Suddenly she was pulled inside and was pinned to the wall by Deva who caged her between his arms "What were you thinking when you were disrespecting your king that way? Huh?"

She held the collar of his shirt and pulled his head down close to her face "I can disrespect you anyway I want! It's my right".

"Uhuh...And who gave you the right?" He moved his arm to her waist and pulled her close.

"Why would anyone give it to me? It's my birth right!" She rounded her arms around his neck moving her lips to his chin and winced as his beared poked her.

He rubbed his bearded cheek against her cheek making her struggle out of his grip but he tightened his arms around her and kissed her neck "Ah....baava vadulu".

(Ah baava let go)

He stilled and hugged her tightly lifting her off her feet "Malli baava ani piluvu".

(Call me baava again)

She smiled and kissed his earlobe  "Pilvanu ga" before pushing his arms away and ran out of his room ignoring his calls.


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