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Link and I sat at the small round table. I silently thanked Master Impa. Among all the things I've learn from her from her, masking my emotions was very convenient at the moment. Too much was being blasted through my mind. Confusion? That would be a start. Happiness? I... I didn't know yet. Was I happy to see him? After how things were left between us throughout our weeks being together? Did I miss him in a romantic way after all? Why all those questions decided to rose suddenly?

"Is there anything I could be of service to you, your Highness—" I stopped and corrected. "I mean... Link."

"I... Not really... no." His eyes seemed disappointed. "I... I actually wanted to join you at the tavern earlier."

"Oh... My apologies for missing you."

"The barkeep told me what happened."

"If I am to be disciplined for my rash actions, I will accept any punishment—"

"What? No!" He shook his head in disbelief. "Your actions were made in self-defense! And do know that it is these two that will be met with disciplinary actions—"

"It won't be necessary." I said. A touch of annoyance grew in me, but I kept it in check. "I've already dealt with the matter. I thank you for your concerns."

"I still believe that they should learn to respect others." He continued. "Especially their fellow knight brothers and sisters. They must—"

"I said it's fine!" My voice sounded louder than intended. Both him and I were shocked by my outburst. "My apologies..."

"It's fine..." he sounded defeated. "I didn't mean to offend you with my actions..."

Again, that awkwardness... and I feel more guilty than ever! I know he meant well. Why was I angry? And with him of all people? Why? A moment of silence birthed between us. The longer it lasted, the more uncomfortable we were in my room. Our love story was over. It had met its ending. But the second that he appeared at my door, everything came back leaving numerous questions left to be answered. How could one person rattle me this easily? What was wrong with me?

I tried to remain composed. "Your Highness, why did you want to see me?"

"I... I thought that having a pleasant discussion would be lovely on this evening."

I saw in these words of his that something was trying to come out from him. I was wrong about it. No matter what, he wouldn't move on from me. He still lingered in the past, hoping that something could be saved between us. I knew that in its current state that it couldn't. Out of respect to the crown, I held my tongue.

"Okay." I simply say. "What would you like to discuss, your Highness?"

His hands joined together at the table. Hesitance showed in his behavior. "How have you been?"

"I am faring well."

"Good..." he seemed disappointed.

"Is something the matter, your Highness?" I asked.

"You can just call me Link, you know..." He shrugged and smiling, gazing aimlessly at the table. "Like you used to."

I hated this. I hated that he acted as if nothing had happened, that we could go back to these happier days. My pain was raw and real and couldn't be forgotten. Or could he already had forgotten about that?

"Yes, once!" Irritation escaped my voice this time as I smacked the table's surface. "Were you expecting to recall moments in which we smiled, cheered, and loved with no fear of tomorrow?"

Shock, then followed by guilt rose on his face. But I didn't hold back.

"I was raped, Link!" I threw at his face. "Violated intimately against my will!"

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