Chapter One

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It's a gorgeous day, the sun is shining brightly, and there was a gentle breeze rustling through the air. You're greeted by the delightful sound of laughter and splashing from the water park.

The combination of the warm sun, the refreshing breeze, and the joyful sounds creates the perfect atmosphere for a fun-filled day under the sun. It's the kind of day that instantly puts a smile on your face and makes you excited for all the adventures that lie ahead.

But little did you know that this day would change the course of your life forever...


"Come on Y/N, the water is only slightly cold." Your sister, Aurora, said with a splash in the shallow end of the pool.

"But I love to tan." You said as you folded your book closed, placing a bookmark before doing so.

"Oh come on, you never tan. You just burn." She said with a laugh.

"True, but at least I'm trying to tan." You said as you dipped your foot in the water; it was refreshing.

"I don't need to, thats why they have fake tans." She said before jumping deeper into the pool, the chilly water splashing your face.

You chase after her as the water keeps getting deeper. The sounds of children playing, water rushing, and laughter filled your ears as you got closer to the water slides.

"Let's go down that one!" You pointed at the highest one as you were finally deep enough that you couldn't touch anymore.

"You read my mind Y/N." Aurora laughed as you both swam to the stairs.


"Oh man that was so much fun!" Aurora said as you both were walking back to your house. You only live 10 minutes away from the water park if you were to walk. Your shoes squeaked with every step as the water dripped down your legs.

It was dark outside. But that's to be expected since the park closed at 10 pm on week days.

You and your sister walked to your house. You unlock your door and let Aurora in first before locking it behind you.

"I am soooooo tired. We should go again on Saturday." She said as she plopped her damp bag on your couch; you frowned at the sight.

"Ah yes we should. I have work from 9-2 on Saturday because we just lost another employee." You said as you picked her bag off the couch and dropped it on the hard wood floor.

She walked down the hall holding her clothes while taking her dripping hair out of the bun.

You watched as the water dripped on your floor.

"Oh my God! Stop making such a mess Aurora." You pointed at the water on your floor, in various puddles.

"Oopsie, I'll clean it up after my shower." She said as she shut the door and started her music. You released a long sigh as you grabbed your mop.

You aren't a clean freak, you just prefer cleaner spaces. Ever since your mom and dad passed, you've been forced to take care of Aurora. She's a sweet girl, but you are very much opposites, and doesn't really seem to appreciate the sacrifices you have made for her.

It's exhausting.

You grabbed some fresh pajamas and set them down in your bathroom. You walked out of the room to make a quick snack while you wait for Aurora to finish her shower.

You popped some toast in the toaster and turned to your radio. You smiled and turned the dial up. A soothing jazz played softly as you hummed along to it.

Aurora makes fun of it, but you enjoy the older music and devices. It's just so much more... unique.

"Y/N! I said I'd clean it up." Aurora shouted from the hallway.

"It's okay. I made you a slice of toast." You said as she walked in.

"Oh thanks, I'm going to turn in for the night after if that's okay." She said as she ate the bread with butter.

"Okay goodnight I love you." You said as you turned the radio off and walked down the hall to your room. She shut the door and let out a sigh.

You looked at the clock, seeing it read 10:15. You have work at 6 tomorrow.

You got in the shower and wasted no time cleaning your hair and body. You are so tired.



5:10 am

Your phone alarm went off as you groggily woke up. You shut it off and laid back down in the pitch black room.

You let out a sigh and reached for your LED lights remote. You pushed the 'ON' button, wincing at the sudden bright light that filled your room. You reached over and turned on the radio on low, to see if you missed anything.

"A three car pileup, 2 injured, 1 fatality. Our condolences go out to theses poor families that have suffered with the wreck." You heard through the radio as you got dressed in your work uniform.

'Damn' you thought as you walked into your bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face.

"Put your head on my shoulder,
Hold me in your arms, baby.
Squeeze me oh so tight," you sang along with the radio as you cleaned yourself up.

You felt refreshed as you walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. You hummed the song as you cracked an egg in a pan to put on toast.

After you assembled your breakfast and ate it, before you left for work. That place is a shit show. But only three more shifts before you get a three day break. On Saturday you are taking Aurora to the waterpark again, and on Sunday you are celebrating her 17th birthday, then on Monday you get to just relax. It'll be nice.

You put your headphones in as you rolled up to the building.

"It's showtime folks." You said as you took a deep breath and got out of your car.

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