Chapter Four

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Alastor has now came to your house every night for the entire break.

You have already gotten used to his presence... well kind of.

"My dear you did not have to make jumbalaya!" He said as he walked into your kitchen.

"Yes I'm aware, I wanted you to try the jumbalaya I grew up having." You said as you passed him a plate and fork.

"I already have coffee fresh in the pot for you." You said as you dished yourself up and took a seat at the table. He followed shortly and sat at the exact opposite end.

"So Charlie is doing these silly little trust exercises with the new guest." Alastor said as he took a bite, his eyes widening slightly.

"My this is quite delicious my dear! Why it is so close to my mothers, yet so far from it! It is so delectable, you have truly outdone yourself tonight dear." He said as he took another bite of it.

"I am glad you like it, I tried a little more than I usually do." You said as you sipped your juice.

"It is simply amazing." He said as he ate it with a smile.

The radio is always playing when he's around..

"So might I ask, how do you have a permanent radio voice, it is unique." You said as you ate some more, trying not to taste the imperfections.

"It is at my command," he said as he got up for more. You genuinely smiled at the sight.

He resembles a deer, a lot. Now that you really get to see him, he has various parts of a deer, the ears, antlers, hoofs, etc. Which really proves that he's been the one stalking you, what if Alastor can transform into a deer?

"Why stare, I can answer your questions." He said before he turned around. Your face heated from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I was just looking at your hair, it is very pretty looking, I love the color red." You said, to cover your embarrassment.

"Oh yes, the various red dresses you wear to the bar, I could pick up that you fancy the color red." He said as he sat down and started eating again. You had already finished your dinner and wasn't sure what to say, which is frequent.

"Would you like to take some back to.. umm hell, with you?" You were uncertain about the question.

"I would enjoy that very much! My, you are just too precious Y/N, it makes me wonder how someone hasn't crushed your high spirits and kind nature." He said as he took a bite with his eyes closed, still smiling.


"What do you mean by that?" You stood up to take your dishes to the dishwasher and to put the food away.

"What do you think I mean by it?" He quipped as he gave you his classic smile and narrowed his eyes in amusement.

'This is a trap question...'

You sent him a smile as you matched his manners.

You gave him a container of Jumbalaya and sent him a wink.

"There's your jumbalaya." You said as you started to put the food away and clean the dishes. Completely dodging the question.

"Thank you my dear." He said as it poofed out of existence. He quickly cleaned his dishes and walked to your room.

"Don't open my book!" You shouted in embarrassment as you continued to clean.

You quickly finished up and poured yourself a drink as you took it to your room. He was sitting on your chair reading a true crime book.

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