Chapter Two

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"Wake up Y/N!!" Aurora shouted in your face, you groaned and opened one eye.

"What." you grumbled and flipped the blanket over your head.

"We gotta clean up after the party." She said as she got in the covers with you. You quickly shoved her out and onto the floor with a thud.

"I know but I just got off of work a few hours ago." You said quietly.

"Yeah it's 4. You've been asleep for 2 hours. Let's go so we can go to the water park again. Also fix your sleep schedule." She said as she shut the door.

'She's right. My sleep schedule is shitty...' you thought as you got out of bed slowly. You fixed your hair and walked out to the hall. There were cheap plastic cups, candy wrappers and garbage everywhere.

"Sorry. We were all partying so much we didn't clean up last night." She said as she grabbed some gloves.

"It's okay." You said as you took the gloves from her and put them on. You had work in the morning so you just shut yourself in your room so Aurora could have fun with her friends.

You turned the radio on and started to pick up all the trash. I hate teenagers. They are so moody and messy.

"Oh my gosh Y/N, can we listen to modern shit? Yours is just so staticky and... I dunno... lame?" She said as she pointed to her JBL Charge 5 speaker, she smiled.

"It's not lame. Grow up." You said as you turned the radio up again. She grumbled before putting her headphones on and resuming the work.

After about an hour of consecutive cleaning and sanitizing, your house was finally clean.

"Okay let's go to the waterpark. We gotta get the most out of our membership anyways." You said as she was already running off to go change.

The weather was very warm, like 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) and it's 5 pm.

You quickly changed into your swimming suit and packed 3 towels, in case Aurora forgets hers.... She will.

You applied sunscreen and waited on the couch by the door. She suddenly came running out with flippers on her feet.

You deadpanned.

"You're going to ruin those on the walk over." You said as you stood up and walked to the door.

"Oh yeah whatever MOM." She said as she waddled out the door. She took one good look at the stairs and started to take the flippers off of her feet. You laughed and passed her as she switched her shoes.

"Told ya' so." You said as she ran to catch up to you, now wearing flip flops.

"Shithead." She said which made you laugh harder. You both chatted on the whole way over the the park. When you got there, the receptionist scanned your membership cards and opened the gates for you.

"Thank you." You said the the teenage boy, who got flustered at the gesture.

"Y-yep, enjoy your time at the park Miss." he said as you walked in. Aurora instantly ran to claim your guys chairs on the grass. She plopped her stuff on the ground under the lounge chair and instantly started to put her flippers on. She's 17 and is going crazy for flippers.

You laughed and set you bag down softly and took your joggers off and walked in the direction of the water slides, not even bothering to test the water temperature.

"Wait you're going on the water slides?" Aurora shouted. You replied with a nod and laughed when she started to take her flippers off again.


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