Chapter Seven

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"Oh God Y/N... im so fucking close" he groaned as he pounded into you, making you scream and dig your nails into his back.

"Derek." You moaned.

He was so close, you feel so good...


He jumped up, shaking the margarita, his face flushed red.

"I am flattered that you waited for me before you ordered dessert." You smiled and sat down.

You just went to the restroom.

"Uhhh yeah of course! Order whatever you'd like." He spoke nervously.

"Hey, you okay?" You reached out to feel his forehead.

"Oh yeah, you're burning up! Do you have a fever? Are you feeling alright?" You noticed his face was so red.

"Y-yeah." He looked at his watch.

"M-maybe we should just call it here." He quickly chugged his drink and waved the waitress over.

"Okay, probably for the best. Ya' know with the fever." You smiled politely.

He paid for the meal and walked you out from the restaurant.

"See you around Y/N." He waved at you as you smiled.

You tapped on Aurora's number and called.

It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Yes Y/N?"

"Hey Rory, could you come pick me up? I'll send you my location." You sat on the steps and looked at the cloudy sky.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Oh my, thank you! Drive safe, I love you." You said through the phone.

"Yep, love you too."  She hung up the phone which made you sigh.

You just decided to swipe through Instagram while you waited for her.

Eventually she pulled up and honked a few times. You walked up to the car and got into the passenger seat.

"Phew, that was so embarrassing! I felt so awkward and uncomfortable the whole time it was so pathetic. I lowkey felt bad because I know I'm just leading him on, but I don't know what to do." You let out a sigh and dug through her glovebox for candy.

"Yeah, that sounds miserable." She sent you a happy smile which made you suspicious.

"Umm okay what happened?" You popped a (Favorite Candy) into your mouth.

"So Alastor stopped by..." she spoke as she started to drive. Your eyes widened as you started to choke on the delicious treat

She passed you a water bottle and started to hit your back with one hand.

"Stop! Ack fuck!" You choked out as you started to laugh.

After you calmed down with a sip of water you took a deep breath.

"So he came to apologize to me." She continued before you had a chance to ask the question.

"Then he got angry at me and I found out he's a demon then he made dinner and it was sooooo good and then he tried to teach me how to play Pegity- which I still don't understand- but we bonded and it was great." She finished with a deep breath.

You were surprised.

"Wow... he showed you his demon form and you weren't afraid?" You gave her a side eye.

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