Chapter Eight

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AN: I have decided to keep this story all cute and fluffy rather than making it a 20+ chapter story. I have plenty of ideas for other books....Only a few more chapters!

"Good morning Alastor." You said as he slowly opened his eyes. You gave him a smile and sat up.

"Good morning my darling." He said with his morning voice. He didn't have the radio filter, and it was much deeper.

It was so hot.

"How'd you sleep?" You stretched your arms and laid back down to match him.

"I feel quite refreshed!" He said as his filter turned back on and his smiled widened to his more normal form.

'Aw.. vulnerable Alastor was so cute' you thought in despair as he got up to change.

"Your hair looks very cute when it's like that." You said as he grabbed his clothes.

"Oh? Why, I find it irritating." He still smiled at you but was showing his distaste.

"I don't understand why, it's cute. Anyways, I'll change in my closet so we can get going soon." You spoke as you walked over to your closet to pick out a cute outfit.

An outfit that isn't slutty, but also screams 'I've got style!'.

You settled on black jeans with a deep red short sleeved flannel shirt. You had put a white shirt underneath as well so you could still look good if you had to take it off.

You stepped out and waited for the bathroom.

"You can come in my dear." You heard Alastor say through the door; you walked in to see him combing his hair.

"Nice. Here's your toothbrush." You slid it to him and grabbed your F/C toothbrush and some toothpaste.

You squeezed some on his toothbrush and passed it to him.

"This is so dumb." He said as he stuck the minty brush into his mouth.

"It's not dumb, it's hygienic." You muffled as you scrubbed your teeth and tongue. "I don't know if we can help your black gums though." You said before spitting the foamy paste out and washed your toothbrush.

You looked over to see him changing to his demonic form, he hates the minty flavor. You rolled your eyes.

"You can spit now." You said as you grabbed your floss and turned away. You heard a demonic sound and gave him privacy.

"Thank you my dear," he grabbed a floss and you turned to face him. You threw your floss away and combed your hair the way you like.

"So what will I except in hell?" You said to Alastor as he walked into your room and started to put on his shoes with deer prints on the bottom. (which you think is pretty adorable)

"Well first I'll introduce you to my latest project! They'll love you. And then I'll take you around hell." He said as he started to make your bed.

"Okay well I'm going to go eat a bowl of cereal, would you like me to make you breakfast?" You walked down the hall and turned into the kitchen.

"No my dear, I'll eat when we get to hell." He said as he grabbed you a bowl.

You said thank you and started to eat.

"Wanna tell Aurora that we are leaving soon?" You continued to eat (Favorite/Cereal)

" Bye Y/N!" She said with her sleepy voice and gave you a hug.

"Yep, I love you so much. Hopefully you will be ok. I stocked the fridge and pantry so you should be good on food."

"Thank you. I'm going back to bed now." She yawned and disappeared into her room.

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