Chapter Six

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"Drinking on a work night, very unlike you
Y/N." Alastor said with amusement in his voice. He had a feeling he should check up on you tonight, which is unusual for him...

"S-so*?" You hiccuped from the floor.

"Come on. Let's get you in bed," he helped your drunken self from the floor.

"Alastor- I'm not a* stupid baby*" you tried walking by yourself but only fell into his arms.

"Now now, just relax and get some rest, darling." He lifted you into the bed and spawned in a bowl with water next to you.

"I like when you..." you hiccuped, "call me darling*. It makes me blush-" you giggled out and pulled him into a hug.

While Alastor was amused by this,his dead cold heart started beating loudly.

"Oh is that so?" He returned the hug but let you go quickly and tucked you into bed.

"Goodnight Y/N." Alastor said with a singsong tone as he prepared to travel back to hell.

"Ok-* bye~~~ I have a gift for you when we go to hell~" you slurred out before flipping on your side and letting out a struggled breath.

Alastor couldn't help his face from being a little warm.

'Maybe it's because her window is open and it's hot here...' he thought as he stepped into the portal to hell.

"Oh Alastor there you are! Before you go to bed, can you please do a security check? Vaggie said she saw some sketchy demons outside earlier." Charlie said in her pajamas.

"Why of course I could do that, you just get some rest my dear and don't worry your pretty little head about it!" He spoke with a cheery smile and a gentle hand gesture.

"Awe thank you Alastor, you are the best." She waved at him as she walked to her room.

"I think I'll pay Rosie a visit tomorrow..." he said to himself as he moved in the shadows to his room.


"Holy fuck.." you grumbled out at the screaming pain in your head that was worsened from your alarm blaring.

You looked at the clock and groaned. You reached out and quickly clicked your bosses contact.

It rang 4 times before he picked up.

"Hey Y/N! You're calling early, what's up?" He shouted, you quickly turned the volume down to accommodate for the pounding in your head.

"Hey yeah, I'm not feeling really great at all and was wondering if I could take the day off. Or at least do a graveyard tonight." You spoke while trying to make it sound like you've been awake for some time.

"Well that is certainly an issue since corporate is coming today, but I'm sure we could... compromise." He said through the cursed device. You internally groaned; well aware of his crush on you.

"Yeah what do you have in mind?" You finally spoke.

"How about I pay you for your 12 hours today and you can take the whole day off... if you go to dinner with me on Wednesday." His tone was light but also serious. The pain in your head was enough for you to finally agree to one of his pathetic attempts of winning you over.

"Okay it's a deal, thank you so much Mr.Barnon." You said before saying goodbye and hangin the phone up. You immediately took a drink from the water cup and tried to go back to bed.

'I can't remember a single fucking thing from last night.' Is the last thought you had before drifting back into sleep.

Meanwhile a few hours later, Alastor is on his way to cannibal town. He was peacefully walking through the streets of hell before he finally reaches his destination of Rosie's place of work.

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