Chapter Three

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You work up and got ready for work, the same shit every day.

Except it's not.

You're being watched. Ever since the creepy incident two weeks ago with the deer. We don't have deer where I live...

You opened the blinds slightly and looked outside, scanning the area quickly.

You turned the radio on and started making your breakfast and packing your lunch.

You quickly left for work carrying your new accessories: pepper spray and a pocket knife.

At first you thought you were crazy, just the creepy incident on that Saturday night of fun. But then you began to hear more sounds and have even seen shadows, human like shadows... you don't even feel safe at your own house anymore.

You got to work and let out a sigh of relief, at least you fee somewhat safer at work.


You unlocked your house and walked in, your boss had you stay until closing today. Fucking douchbag.

Aurora is spending the night at her boyfriends house, you trust her.

You quickly locked it behind you and double checked all the windows were locked. You then went to your room and undressed for your shower. You turned on the radio; soft jazz. You got in and immediately scrubbed at your body.

This feeling won't go away...

You stepped out of the shower, wrapped yourself up and stepped into your room.

You changed into pajama bottoms and a plain white shirt as you pulled your hair dryer out from the drawer.

You turned your LED lights on and turned the radio up.

It always plays your favorite song.

"Put your head on my shoulder,
Hold me in your arms, baby." You sang to the slow song as you turned the dryer on. You watched your movements in the mirror, making sure you dry every part.

You saw a flash of red in the corner of your room, making your heart drop.

You looked closer in the mirror and let out a scream, the hair dryer hit the floor with a thud. You whipped your head around and backed up to your bathroom.

Towering in the corner of your room was a red man...

"Why don't be startled, my dear!"

You screamed and threw your shoe at him, which stopped right in front of him before falling. You ran into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. You let out a shaky breath as you locked it. You turned around to see if there was anything to defend yourself.

"Boo." He said right in front of you. You screamed and turned around to get out of the bathroom, but couldn't unlock the door.

You heard a laughter behind you as you struggled to get the door open, you finally did and flung out of the room. You ran down the hall, looking back and didn't see him. You ran to the front door but screamed when he was standing in front of it.

You couldn't breathe.

"I'm not going to hurt you my dear." The man said as you coward in the kitchen.

"W-what do y-you w-want then?". You said as you backed away from him.

"I do think we should move this conversation back to your room, you had a great song playing!" The man said as he walked down the hall. You made a run for the front door but you fell to the ground. You looked at your ankle and saw a black rope wrapped around it, you started to get pulled to your room. Screaming and reaching for anything you could possibly grab onto.

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