Chapter Five

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"Good evening Y/N!" Alastor popped from the shadows of your room. It's been a week since your little slumber party.

"Oh! Alastor, I have a question for you." You walked up to him.

"What a coincidence, I have one for you too! But you first." He smiled and rested his hand on your shoulder. This simple gesture made butterflies attack your stomach.

"I was wondering if you'd like to meet Aurora in person. She is dying to meet you." You gave him a hopeful look, trying to look cute.

"I have waited for that question! I'd love to meet the lass." He fixed his suit and walked to your door.

"Wait, your question." You said as you grabbed his hand to pull him back to you.

"Question? Oh yes!" He paused before pulling his hand from your grip and holding his cane.

"I would be delighted to have your company in hell with me." He pointed to the book that he uses to travel worlds.

You stopped functioning for a second.

"Woah, umm. I don't want to die." You said with both hands up, stepping away from him.

"No no dear, you wouldn't die! You'd simply just travel back to hell with me. I was thinking a whole week, you could meet my aquatints!" He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and made a rainbow motion in the air.

You were nervous.

"I would come back right? I can't leave Aurora." You said, putting space in between you again.

"Yes of course my dear, I will be back next week for your answer! But let me go meet Aurora." He left the room and looked in the living room. She wasn't there.

"Okay wait here, I'll go get her." You said before walking down the hall bd knocking on her door.

"Yes?" She shouted through the door. You opened it to see her sitting on her bed, painting.

"Hey," you walked in and closed the door. "Umm my 'Mystery man' is here if you'd like to meet him." You jumped slightly when she let out a laugh.

"Finally!" She got from her bed and rushed to the door. You quickly stopped her.

"Whatever you do, don't freak out. He's.... Different, okay just be respectful." You said quickly, making sure to use a strong tone.

"Okay? Is his face deformed or something?" She joked but stopped laughing when she saw your tone.

"He is? Oh my God." She whined.

"No his face isn't deformed! Just be nice." You opened the door and walked out, her following behind. You walked in the living room, quickly making your way to Alastor.

She stopped as soon as she saw him and her eyes widened.

"Woah, uhhh, hi." She waved nervously. Alastors eyes lit up as his unnatural smile widened.

"Aurora, you are...?" She extended her hand out.

"Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure." He shook her hand quickly.

Aurora looked unsure.

"Why Y/N has said so many wonderful words about you, it's an honor to finally put a face to the name." He smiled at her and she nervously smiled back.

"Likewise... hey Y/N, can you help me in the kitchen real quick?" She walked to the kitchen, trying to be smooth. You followed her into the kitchen and grabbed the jerky.

"What's with smiley there?" She whispered. "He's so fucking creepy! And there is definitely something wrong with his voice."

"He won't hurt you, I promise! Just be kind and have good manners. I know that he is scary looking but he really isn't that bad. He simply talks with a radio filter because, I'm not sure why, he just likes radio." You pleaded and pat her on the shoulder.

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