Chapter Nine

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"No I cannot fucking help it Angel!" You giggled as you laid on your stomach and kicked your butt with your feet.

Angel was laying on his bed with you and fat nuggets.

"I know toots, but ya gotta tell him!" He said as he stood up to get a popsicle from his mini fridge.

"Fuck- Angel- I just like don't know. I-I mean he could kill me like lickity split!" You said as he passed you one.

"I know, but I have never seen him act like that around anyone. Yeah he's a total dick that doesn't understand personal space, but he'd fucking kill me if I touch his hair! And you were fucking playin' with it!" He exclaimed as he sat on the bed again.

"Oh... that's just the Alastor I've always known. I guess I've never thought how he'd act around his friends."

"Er, 'friend' is a strong word."

"Ok well his acquaintances!" You let out a laugh.

"Better. All I'm sayin' is that ya' got tell him your feelings. Although I really shouldn't be the one to take romance advice from. I mean! Fucking Val owns my soul in the studio." He said with his voice breaking at the end.

"Yeah this Valentino guy sounds horrible. But I think you're pretty cool for being in hell."

He laughed.

"You're alright too Y/N." He laughed.

"Yeah... when do you think I should tell Alastor that I have a crush on him. God, saying crush makes me feel so young." You let out a groan and flopped on his bed.

"When the moment feels right. I know that's fucking cliché, but that's ta' truth." He said with a yawn.

"Yeah.. I guess. Thank you Angel," you stood up and stretched your arms.

"No problem. I like hangin with you Y/N, it was really fun today." He said as he walked you to his bedroom door.

"Yeah, it was fun. Goodnight Angel." You said as you stepped out into the hallway.

"Goodnight N/N." He said as he shut the door. You turned around and started to walk back to Alastors room.

You got to the door and quietly opened it. It didn't squeak thankfully, but the locking was the loudest part.

You saw Alastor asleep in the bed with his book still in his hand.

'Holy fuck he is so cute.' You blushed and grabbed your pajamas. Looking over your shoulder to the sleeping demon, you quickly changed while he was asleep.

You crawled into the bed and softly grabbed his book.

100 Best Dad Jokes of the Year!

"Cute." You whispered and slid his bookmark on his page and closed it. You set it on his nightstand, reaching over him from the bed.

You turned his light off and laid down, Unfortunately it made Alastor wake up.

"Y/N?" He mumbled softly and opened one eye.

"Yes sorry, goodnight Al." You whisper back.

He let out a soft "fuck you" and stuffed the pillows in between you guys.

Your heart ached slightly as you felt embarrassed, you heard a soft snore come from his mouth.

"Im such a fucking fool." You whispered before grabbing your pillow and getting out of the bed. You grabbed an outfit for tomorrow and left the room.


"Yeah? Y/N?" Angel said as he opened the door with a yawn.

"Angel I can't sleep in the same bed as him. It fucking hurts so badly to see him stash pilllows between us." You said dramatically to cover your disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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