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I won't feel like putting a warning in every chapter that something TRAUMATIC happens so this is the only warning.


ENJOY!!!! ☺️

Sunday night|

"Ight Fulo, Tip, Imma get with y'all later." Miko, a drug dealer, dapped up his right hand man.

He had a right and a left hand man.

Fulo, Miko's right hand man, handle all of Miko's business while he was away dealing with his personal life.

Tip was his left hand man, he handled everything when shit went left.

Miko had a few others he 'worked' with, but those two were his top dogs.

"Fulo set that play for me." Miko said as he walked out the door.

It was raining.

It had been for a good while now.

Miko sprinted to his car using his hand to cover his dreads from the rain.

He got in his car, searching for a wrap to roll his wood in, but he couldn't find one.

"Man." Miko threw himself back in his seat.

Now he had to go to the store which wasn't nothing but down the street.

Miko huffs, but drives to the store anyways because he really needed a blunt.

He drove to the store closest to his trap house.

This was everyone's local corner store.

Everybody in the city knew this spot.

If you didn't, you couldn't have been from here.

Miko was super close with the clerk at the store, even though he had the money for it, he almost never paid.

He grabbed himself a few snacks then went up to the counter.

"Your regular?" the clerk asked Miko.

"Yea and I'm paying this time." Miko pulled out a fat stack of cash.

He placed the money on the counter "Keep the change." he said.

While Miko packed his things in his bag, a girl entered the store.

"Hey Joe, do you know where Milstreet is?" she asked the store clerk.

The girl was soaked from all the rain.

Her hands were in her pockets to keep herself as warm as possible.

"Sorry Mari, I don't." Joe says.

She turns around, heading towards the door "Thanks."

Miko followed close behind her.

Standing in the doorway of the store, Miko says,"Milstreet? I know exactly where that's at."

He took off his jacket "I live a street over from it, I can take you."

"Please and thank you." Amari hugged herself to keep warm.

Miko offered her his jacket.

It was also sort of soaked but it was better than being soaked and cold.

"Here." he wrapped it around her.

"Thanks." she shivered.

Amari followed Miko to his car, getting in the back seat.

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