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Days and days went by without Amari running into Miko.

Even though they didn't see each other in person, they did text on a somewhat regular basis.

It was only until recently Miko's texts got dry.

Anytime Amari would text or call Miko, he'd always be occupied with something.

Amari had no clue what Miko did for a living, but it sure kept him busy.

One night while Amari was lying in bed, she got a call from Tyrone asking where she was.

It was odd to her because he never called that late unless it was important.

"In bed, why?" she replied.

Tyrone told her he needed her right now.

At first Amari thought he meant sexually but then he told her he'd got into some trouble and actually needed her help.

Amari was ready to go to sleep.

She didn't want to get out of her warm bed.

Amari sighed, "Drop yo lo, I'll be there in a little." she said.

She waited for his location to drop before she hung up.

The twins were knocked out in their bed, Ari was next to Amari.

She made sure they were all the way asleep before she grabbed her jacket, keys, and shoes, to head out.

The location Tyrone sent led Amari to this abandoned looking house.

"Tyrone!" she called out to him.

It was dark, Amari could barely make out her surroundings.

As if that wasn't scary enough, the wind was blowing heavily which caused a bunch of leaves to be whirled around.

"Tyro-" she finally spotted him.

He was laid out next to a tree, holing his upper arm.

"Help me up." Tyrone held onto Amari.

She used all her strength to pull him up.

Amari noticed that her hand was now stained with blood.

"What happened?" she asked in a worrisome tone.

Tyrone, unphased by the shot says, "I was grazed."

Amari Turn on her flashlight from her phone to get a better view of the wound.

"Who shot you and why?" she asked as she examine it closely.

It was only a graze but it looked just as nasty as a full shot.

"The less you know, the better."

Amari thought for a second.

She heard those exact same words before, from Miko.

"What did you just say?" she looked up at Tyrone.

"You can do stiches, right?" he totally avoided her question.

Amari shook her head yes "But I ha-" Tyrone stopped her before she said anything else.

"I got a medical bag in my car. We need to go get it."

His car was only around the corner, it wasn't that far.

"Come on." she walked him over to her car.

"Don't bleed on my seat please." she wrapped the seatbelt around him then got in.

As they drove around the corner, Amari hassled him into telling her what took place before she arrived.

"It's none of yo business Mari. Stay out of this." he tells her.

Amari rolled her eyes.

She'd find out soon enough.

Tyrone informed her of where the medical bag was.

It was in the glove compartment.

Amari grabbed it, making sure to lock his doors, then went back to her car so she could stitch up Tyrone.

"Let me." she grabbed his arm.

She used peroxide to clean the wound, it looked nastier than she thought.

Tyrone had a high pain tolerance, he always has, but the stinging in his arm was almost unbearable.

Once the stinging soothed, Amari began stitching up the bullet wound.

"Am I gonna get shot for helping you?" Amari genuinely sounded scared.

Tyrone told her she had nothing to worry about.

He wouldn't rat her out.

"My boss gone be on my ass tho." he joked.

Amari cracked a slight smirk, "Why? Did you miss work today?" she asked.

Tyrone shook his head no.

"The less-" he started, "I know the better. I know." Amari finished.

Amari placed one of those wide band aids over his wound then wrapped it up to secure it.

"For healing purposes." she kissed Tyrone's wound.

He smiled.

With keys in hand, Tyrone told Amari he was going home, and she was more than welcome to tag along.

"We can play my game, eat snacks, all that." he tried to persuade her.

Even if Amari did want to go, she couldn't.

She had three siblings at home who she had to care for, she put them above anything.

Tyrone told her not to sweat it, they could chill another time.

"Goodnight." Amari gives him a side hug before he left.

Once Tyrone left, Amari set up her GPS to get back home.

She was out somewhere she was unfamiliar with, a GPS was the only way she'd find home.

A little down the road, Amari got a call from Miko.

"Ugh what does he want." she said to herself before she answered.

"You friends with dude from the party Saint had not too long ago, right?" Miko asked the first chance he got.

Armari questioned him about why it was any of his business and how he knew Saint.

He rode over her question and asked his question again.

A long sigh fell out of Amari's mouth.

"Yea, I know him, why?" her eyebrow cocked upward.

She could hear Miko smiling over the phone.

He was smiling because of how irritated she sounded.

He found it to be kind of cute.

Miko cleared his throat before telling Amari, if she saw Tyrone, tell him he's looking for him.

It may be because of the tiredness or because she just didn't care, but what Miko said went in one ear and out the other.

"I got you." she yawned.

Amari was now back at her apartment complex.

"God I can't" she thought to herself before walking in.

She took off her jacket, putting it on the coat hook next to the front door.

The living room tv was on when she got back.

Amari figured her mother went there to watch some tv before going to bed.

She turned off the tv then went in her room to lie down.

Tyrone texted her just as she was closing her eyes.

"Thanks" the text read.

Amari hearted his message.

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