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They were now in the school's parking lot.

Before taking her to school, Miko took Amari back to her apartment to get a change of clothes before school started.

Ari and the boys surprisingly had already gotten a ride to school from their mother.

Amari stayed with Miko in his car for a little minute before she went inside the building.

"Can you tell me about this girl now?' she asked, still wanting to know about Amira.

Miko smirked while looking at her "You really not gone let this go, huh?"

Amari shook her head no.

The more he put it off, the more curious Amari became.

"Aight." Miko got comfortable in his seat "Since you need to know so bad."

Amari sat there with her elbow on the arm rest between the two seats.

"Aight so look." Miko licked his lips "Amira was my ex."

"I had a lot of exes but none were like her. She was special." he let his hands do most of the talking for him.

"Amira was my first love. She was my real ride or die."

The topic of the conversation was starting to get to Miko.

"Was?" Amari asked.

"Get to class." Miko unlocked the doors to let Amari out.

She shook her head no.

She wanted to hear more about Amira.

"Amari." Miko gave her a certain look.

Amari sat still in her seat with her head down "I have a right to know." she spoke in a saddened tone.

"You ain't got no rights to shit but that damn school. Take yo ass inside before yo next class start." Miko said.

She grabbed her book bag and phone before opening the door.

"You blow my shit." Amari slammed the door behind her.

Miko beeped the horn at her as she walked through the front doors of the building.

She rolled her eyes.

Amari proceeded to check herself into school.

"And why are you late?" the lady who took attendance asked.

"Woke up late." Amari lied.

The attendance lady handed Amari a tardy slip before sending her off to class.

On the way to class, Amari ran into her sister, Ariana.

"I been lookin for you all day Mari. Where were you?" Ari asked.

"I was at a fri-"

"Never mind that." Ari cut Amari off mid sentence.

"Why is Saint going around telling everyone y'all had sex?"

Amari's eyebrows drew in "What?!" she somewhat shouted.

Ari said she heard from Nikki, who heard it from Brandy, who heard it from Jennifer.

"Everybody's been talking about it." she says.

Amari was boiling from the inside out.

She needed to find Saint as soon as she could.

Saint stayed by his locker when he wasn't in class.

That's where Amari and Ari found him.

He was by his locker, talking to two of his close friends.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Amari shouted in his face.

Ari stood right there by her side in case she needed back up.

Saint looked genuinely confused, as if he had no idea what he'd done.

"There's a lot wrong with me, be specific." he says.

Amari eyes narrowed at him.

"You goin around telling folks I had sex with you?!" her tone didn't dial down.

Saint licked his lips as he smirked "we had sex, didn't we?" he asked.

"No!" Amari shouted.

One of the friends gave Saint a weird look, Ari did the same to her sister.

Saint's smirk faded away "What you callin me a liar?" he stepped closer to Amari.

She shook her head no.

Saint leaned back against his locker "Good cus I ain't no liar."

"Out of curiosity..." the other friend spoke up "Did you two have sex."

Saint stared down Amari.

He was waiting for her to respond.

Amari was afraid to say no because then Saint's friends would question him about lying.

"Yea we did." her head slowly moved up and down "But you weren't supposed to tell anyone."

Saint smiled again "Why? Ain't want Tyrone to find out?" he laughed.

Amari, once again, nodded.

Saint placed a hand on one of her shoulders "I ain't gone say nothin, but if somebody else do." he shrugged.

Amari stomped away without saying another word to him.

Even though she should've been headed to class, Ari followed behind her sister.

Ari asked her sister was what Saint said true.

"It doesn't make sense. You just acted as if you were disgusted by him, now you're saying y'all did have sex?"

Ari clung onto her sister's arm which cause Amari to stop dead in her tracks.

"Answer me Amari." Ari stepped in front of her.

"Not now Ari, I have to get to class. You should be going to yours too."

Amari spun her sister around, pushing her in the opposite direction of her class.

Ari turned back around to question Amari some more.

"Not leaving until you tell me what's going on with you two." Ari tapped her foot on the floor.

Amari sighed, "I'm going to class, bye."

Ari would have followed her, but she would've gotten in trouble for being somewhere she wasn't supposed to be.

Just because they couldn't talk about it now, didn't mean Ariana wasn't going to question Amari about it later.

Something about the situation didn't sit right with her.

She was going to find out the truth sooner or later.

Amari was praying to every god in the world that Tyrone hadn't heard about the false rumor.

Thinking about whether he had or not made her unable to focus during class.

With all the thoughts coursing through her head, she couldn't focus on anything at all.

In the back of her mind, she was thinking about Saint.

In the front was Miko.

She tried to think more about Miko than anything.

The more she thought, the more things began to click in her head.

The connection between Miko and Tyrone was starting to become clearer to her.

"Oh, that lying son of a bitch."

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