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After Miko left, the house filled with complete boredom.

Amari had no clue of where he was or how long until he'd be back.

Most days it'd be like that.

Miko would leave without telling his whereabouts then would come back at odd hours of the night.

It was something like his routine.

Boredom began to consume Amari the longer she waited on the couch for Miko to get back.

Nothing in the house seemed to keep her distracted long enough for her to stay off of her phone.

Seeing her phone light up every time she got a notification made Amari want to call and check up on Miko.

"Fuck it." Amari grabbed her phone that was charging on the coffee table next to the couch.

Upon opening the phone, Amari saw she had a few missed calls from her sister.

"Dammit." she quickly dialed her number back.

"Hello?" Ari spoke over the phone "Where is Miko?" she asked.

She sounded almost panicked.

"Why? Ari what's wrong?" Amari held her hand over her chest to prepare herself for whatever terrible news Ariana was about to lay down on her.

"Tyrone just left. I think they planning to go after Saint, Mari!" it was clear to Amari, Ariana was more than upset.

"Miko left not too long ago. I could try his cell, you try Tyrone's."

Ari told Amari she'd text and call Tyrone as many times as she could.

"But if he doesn't answer...." Ari took a deep breath "We gotta call the police."

Ari didn't know why but Amari told her the police was the last option.

"Just called Tyrone, I'm about to call Miko." Amari hung up automatically dialing Miko's number.

Amari called but got no answer.

Thinking his phone may have been on DnD Amari called a second time.

Still, no answer.

It was at that point Amari began to panic.

Fear of what Miko might be doing was clouding Amari's brain.

She sat on the couch, trying to figure out what to do next.

Luckily she came to the decision to call Miko one last time.

"Where are you?" Amari asked.

The sound of heavy winds could be heard over the phone.

"Amari stop calling me, I'm busy right now." Miko rolled up his window to stop the wind.

"Whatever you bout to do, don't."

Amari knew she wouldn't be able to get through to Miko but it was worth a try.

"And tell Tyrone not to do anything either."

Miko chuckled "Bye Amari." he hung up the phone leaving Amari stuck in place.

"Shit." she threw her phone down on the couch.

Her mind went blank for a second.

Amari was lost for an idea of what to do next.

She picked up her phone and dialed her sisters number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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