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"I told you I'd fucking handle it, Ari!" Amari's voice sounded cracked up and broken.

She was hurt.

Her sister had brushed off anything she told her from their previous conversation about Saint.

"Yo what the fuck y'all two got going on?" Tyrone asked while pointing back and forth between the girls.

"Nothing, you need to leave." Amari demanded.

Tyrone stood up, "Naw bitch you need to tell me why the fuck I'm over here." he was all up in Amari's face.

Ariana pushed him away from her sister and told him to chill out.

He sat on the couch, full of rage.

He was angry, and from his point of view, it was understandable.

"It ain't fair you willing to get treated like this because you scared of Saint." Ari spoke to Amari.

Tyrone huffed, "One of y'all better tell me what the fuck goin on foe I tweak out in this bitch."

He was getting angrier by the second.

Ari turned back to face her sister "Tell him." she says.

Amari told her no.

"Tell me what?" Tyrone leaned forward in his seat.

"Nothing" Amari gave Ari a look of frustration.

She was more upset about it than Amari seemed to be.

The girls got quiet as they exchanged looks between each other.

This only raged Tyrone more.

"Hello." Tyrone snapped his fingers, "Y'all ain't gone say shit?" he asked.

"Man fuck this. Saint and Amari ain't have sex willingly." Ariana blurted out.

Tyrone looked at Amari waiting to hear what she had to say about it, but she didn't speak up.

"Willingly? What you saying he raped her?" Tyrone stood up, clutching something in his back pocket.

Amari broke down in tears.

Tyrone kneeled down in front of her.

"Why the fuck you ain't been tell me this shit Mari?!" Tyrone tried to hide the aggression but failed.

"I was scared." Amari cried out.

Saint did a good job at breaking people.

He was a horrible person, who did horrible things to people with no consequences.

Amari didn't want herself or anyone else she loved being his next victim.

"I couldn't risk it, Tyrone." she sat up "I couldn't."

Tyrone brought her in for a hug.

"We here for you always Mari." Ari joined the hug.

Tyrone gave her a kiss on the forehead and then the lips.

"Wanna stay the night with me to feel safer?" he asked her.

She nodded.

"You wanna come too Ari?" he asked.

Ari was like a little sister to him.

No matter if he and Amari got into it, Ariana was always his little sister.

He took care of her almost as much as Amari did.

"No, I got to wait for ma and the boys to get back." she said.

Tyrone asked her was she sure she didn't want to come.

He had enough food for the three of them and she was no bother to him.

"I'm good here, thanks though." she said.

"Aight." he gave Amari another kiss "Go pack some clothes, ok?" his hand glided up and down her back for comfort.

Amari wiped her tears, and the snot bubbles, away.

She asked Ari to help her pack an overnight bag just in case she ended up forgetting something she needed.

Amari packed herself some pajamas, two outfits, and two pairs of socks and underwear.

She didn't bring a toothbrush or any hygienic products, she had some at Tyrone's house already.

"I'll text you when I'm at Tyrone's house. Tell nobody about Saint." Amari was just about finished packing her bag.

"Be safe." Ari gave Amari a hug before she left.

Once they made it to the car, Tyrone made a call before they pulled out the parking lot.

"Yo, where you at?" Tyrone spoke to the unknown person.

"Who is that?" Amari asked.

Tyrone put one finger in the air, indicating he wanted her to hold on.

"Let me know when you get there. We got somethin to handle" Tyrone, still on the call, said to whoever it was he was speaking to.

Amari couldn't hear what the other person said, but from what she heard Tyrone say, it sounded like he was up to no good.

Tyrone ended his phone call.

He and Amari waited in that same spot until Tyrone got a ding on his phone.

It was only then, they pulled off.

Amari sat in her seat still embarrassed she had to confess to Tyrone about what Saint did to her.

She never intended on telling Tyrone.

She was afraid to see just how deep in the street life he really was.

Tyrone sped down every road he drove down.

For some reason, he was in a rush to get to his next destination.

Every turn and corner he hit felt all too familiar to Amari.

"Tyrone slow down, and where are we going?" Amari held onto the dashboard in front of her for extra security.

She should have been wearing a seat belt but to her they were too uncomfortable.

The closer they got to the destination, the more Amari mapped out where they were going.

By the time she realized where they were going, they were already there.

"No. Tyrone why are we here?"

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