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Later that night|

Amari and her siblings finally settled in.

Tyrone assisted Amari in the kitchen to help prepare dinner for themselves and her siblings.

After everyone ate, it was time to call it a night.

Ariana had taken her shower, the boys their baths.

Amari, per usual, washed herself a number of times to wash away the unforgotten sin Saint commit on her.

"Goodnight." Amari kissed her younger siblings a goodnight.

"Don't put them dick suckers on me." Ari made an attempt to dodge Amari's kiss.

Amari planted an extra smooched kiss on her sister's cheek for her trying to dodge the first one.

Turning off the lights, she made her way down to Tyrone's room where she'd be sleeping.

Amari kicked off the slippers she wore around the house before pulling Tyrone's cover back to climb in bed.

"Mm." a sleepy Tyrone groaned.

While Amari laid down in bed, Tyrone slipped his hand around her waist.

That was fine by Amari until that hand started moving downwards towards her shorts.

"Not tonight." she said, hoping he'd stop, but he didn't.

"I said not tonight, Tyrone!" she threw his hand back with so much aggression.

Tyrone sat up in bed.

"I'm sorry. Did I do somethin?" he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes.

Amari sat up looking over at him "I just don't want to be touched." she lied.

Truth was, she'd love for Tyrone to have his hands all over her body, but she knew Miko took his claim very serious.

"We ain't gotta have sex, you can sleep on my chest like you do any other time." Tyrone made an attempt to pull Amari back down in bed.

"I can't." she pulled away once more.

Tyrone smacked his lips "Why not?" he asked, "We do it any other time."

Amari face palmed herself.

"I had a talk with Miko." her words came out with a long sigh.

"About what?" Tyrone asked then took a pause.

"Wait..." he turned to face Amari "You let this nigga put claims on you." his eyebrows rose with question.

Amari moved her head up and down slowly.

"I fuckin knew it." Tyrone punched the air.

"I should've been put claims on you, what the fuck." his mouth dropped open.

Tyrone shook his head "You fucked up." he waved his finger so close to Amari's face, she could feel it without it even touching her.

"How'd I fuck up?" a worrisome look was now displayed on her face.

"That nigga trynna control you." Tyrone said, "Yea he is."

Tyrone was now out of bed, pacing his room back and forth.

"You don't know him like I do." he said to Amari "That's why I tried to tell you to stay the fuck away." he shook his head.

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