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Ariana was on the phone crying hysterically begging for Amari to come back home.

Tyrone was lowkey ear hustling to their call.

"What's wrong?" Amari asked.

Ari took a long pause which struck concern in both Tyrone and Amari.

When Ari could form the words to say what she needed to say, Amari felt her heart sink in her ass.

"Grandma...she in the hospital!" you would have thought someone was attacking Ari by the way she was screaming.

Amari brought her hand up to her face "What?" she gulped.

"Doctors say her heart is failing." Ari wiped away the river of tears streaming down her face.

"They don't know how long she has left."

Amari felt as if her whole world had been stopped and the devil was clawing at her ankles, trying to drag her down with him.

"I'll take you home." Tyrone threw the car in reverse.

Amari was begging to go be with her siblings.

Tyrone understood her pain all too well.

He himself felt a tenge of sadness after hearing about their grandmother.

In a way, since he never really had one, she was like a grandmother to him also.

"Everything gone be alright, I got you." Tyrone planted a soft kiss on Amari's left cheek as he put the car in park.

As soon as the engine cut off, Amari took flight up the apartment building stairs.

Taking the elevator would've been way faster but Amari was too impatient to wait for it.

"Mari!" she heard the voices of her two younger brothers calling out for her the second she popped through the door.

Ari and their mother sat on the couch next to one another, Ari cried whilst their mother didn't seem to too much care at all.

She always came off as cruel and heartless to Amari, it was no surprise she had little to no reaction to the news.

"Fuck you been?" Amari's mother eyeballed her from the couch.

"Not in the mood." Amari ignored her mothers question to hug her sister.

Ariana was broken down and bad.

This was a state Amari had never seen her sister in.

Only once did Ari react this way to terrible news.

When she heard Amari was going to stay with their grandmother, Ari threw a tantrum.

Never again did she act this way until now.

"And since when you come up in here with that negative ass attitude?" their mother was now off the couch, standing directly behind Amari.

"All I said was-"

"Take yo ass to that room!" her mother yelled before she could even defend herself.

Amari wasn't phased by her yelling and instead asked exactly how long did her grandmother have to live.

"Soon." her mother said as if she had it out for her own mother.

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