- Chapter 4 -

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I walked further into the kitchen. I could feel the eyes of everybody on me. I looked around and I was right, they were all staring at me. Well now that I got their attention I might as well get some answers.

"So are any of you going to tell me what's going on? Why am I here?" I looked around waiting for an answer. Nobody. I wasn't scared anymore, simply because they don't look like bad guys.

"I swear if nobody gives me the answers I need. I will find a way to leave this place, one way or another." I just need a couple of answers! I looked around once again, it felt like the 100th time. Nobody. Again. They were looking at me like I was from another planet.

"I don't think you're ready for the answers quite yet. The truth will hurt you alot more than you think." I turned around to see who finally decided to speak up. Aaron. Honestly, he actually did scare me a bit.

"And you're not going anywhere. You have to stay here for your own safety." Now it was Dylan.

"Just to clear things out, you weren't kidnapped. You were just brought here for safety." I turned around to see who spoke. Justin.

" I want answers. And I want them now! You can't keep me here!" I was tired of this. I screamed at them. Well that was a mistake.

" Go upstairs now! You don't get to talk to us like that! And like I said before, get used to this house and us because you're going to be staying here for a while."

I started crying so hard. Just there in the middle of the kitchen. I could feel their eyes on me once again.

" Justin leave her alone. Don't treat her like that! " I looked to see who was defending me. It was Dylan.

I ran up the stairs. I don't want to be here! I didn't even know where I was going. I opened the first door. I wiped my eyes and looked around. I wasn't in the same room as I was in before. This one was different. It was warm and it was a light shade of green. There were trophies and medals from baseball. It reminded me of Harry. He loved baseball. I felt my eyes tearing up again. I looked around some more and a small picture caught my eye. As I got closer to the picture I heard someone coming up the stairs. I just stood there. I couldn't function right. The door slowly opened.

"Sel? Uh oh. You're not supposed to be in here."

"Whose room is this?"

"It's actually Dylan's. Why?"

I felt really comfortable here. It was like I belonged in that room. It also reminded me of my home.

"No reason. Logan?"


"Why did you bring me here? Please don't lie to me."

"None of us are lying to you. We really did bring you here to protect you. Someone really close to you is trying to hurt you,"

This can't be happening. Someone close to me? I was so confused I was getting light headed. I felt someones arms around me as I started to collapse.

"Selena? Are you okay?'

"Uh I'm fine. I just feel um dizzy."

I stood up still kind of light headed. I had a sudden urge to see that picture. I walked towards the small drawer. I picked up the small picture and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. There was one little boy in the picture holding a baby. The kids were sitting on the same blanket I had as a baby. The same blanket I would carry around everywhere when I was a toddler. A lot of memories started flashing through my mind. That blanket was one of a kind. My grandma had bought me that blanket from her trip to Canada. She wanted the blanket to be unique so she added the letter 'S' on it. Just like in the picture.

I started feeling light headed again. The whole room was spinning. I couln't stay on my feet anymore.


I heard Dylan and Logan scream as I collapsed once again. Everything went blurry and then I lost vision of everything. Everything went dark.

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