- Chapter 5 -

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I woke up feeling light headed. As I opened my eyes I noticed I was all alone in the room. I tried sitting up but my body hurt. I sat there and suddenly everything came back to me. The picture in Dylan's room.

It was me. Of course it was me. But who was holding me? It couldn't have been Harry. I've seen many pictures of him as kid and he looked nothing like the boy in the picture. I started crying from just thinking about the picture of me in Dylan's room. Suddenly some one comes bursting through the door.

"Uh, hi Selena." It was Dylan.

"Dylan what's going on?"

"First let me know how you're feeling."

"I feel fine. I need to know why there was a picture of me in YOUR room." I started to cry again. I let my head fall and I just watched my legs shake. As I looked up I noticed Dylan had started crying.

"Dylan, are you okay?" He looked up and just stared at me.

"There's something you need to know. But it hurts me to tell you."

"What is it? Dylan please talk to me." He turned away and stayed like that for a while. I got out of bed and went up to him. He looked at me as I stood in front of him.

"Dylan." I said his name and he started to cry a little bit more. I reached down and hugged him. And we stood like that for a while. It was like time froze. I couldn't even stop myself from crying. It hurt me to see Dylan cry.

"Selena." As he said my name he hugged me tighter.

"Please stop crying. It's fine if you don't want to talk about it."

"I have to tell you. Its been kept a secret for a long time."

"Well when ever you're ready.."

He got up and led me back to where I had just been. He sat down across from me.

"Selena, the reason why I have that picture is because .. you're my baby sister."

Wait what? I looked at Dylan and he was crying so hard. It was true. He was, is, my brother. The truth hit me hard. I started sobbing and it was like the room was getting smaller.


"We got separated. I was 5 when my, our, parents took me to an orphanage. They didn't want me. You were only 3 when I left. But you were my baby sister. It killed me leaving you. I took care of you when our parents went to work. Harry didn't even want to see you. He hated you. But not me. I loved you. But our parents separated us from each other. All this time I spent living in foster homes. That was until I was 17 and I ran away from my foster parents and well Justin took me in. I've been looking for you my whole life. I missed you Selena.. I missed you little sister.."

I can't believe this. I was crying my eyes out probably just as much as Dylan. I stood up. He stood up. And I ran into his loving arms. We stood there hugging. Crying. I was in shock. All this time I knew there was someone missing in our family. When I asked my parents they would say it was probably an imaginary friend. But it wasn't. It was my older brother. I cleared my mind. All I wanted to focus on was my brother right now. Crying on my shoulder.

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