- Chapter 16 -

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Selena's POV.

Louis just left me in my room and left saying he would be back later to check on me. I was actually feeling better and not dizzy anymore.

My mom is a strong woman. She can get through this. I know it. She'll be okay.

I heard a knock on the door. I immediately faked I was sleeping. I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone for that matter.

Selena don't move and don't say a word. 

Considering I was bad at faking anything and lying I kept on telling myself that.

"Hey, you awake babe?"


I shifted a little but remained "sleeping".

I heard him shuffle quietly to my side of the bed.

Don't do anything Selena.

Louis leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I felt my cheeks burning.

I hope they don't turn red.

As soon as Louis kissed me he left the room in one swift move.

I uncovered myself and still felt my cheeks burning.

I was going to reach for a mirror that I kept in a small drawer next to the bed when I noticed something on top of the drawers.

A phone.

Had Louis left the phone here when he came in or what?

I heard someone outside my door once again. Pacing from one side to the other.

"Selena, are you awake?"


Justin's POV.

"Selena, are you awake?"

I didn't hear anything so I took that as a no.

I slowly walked in and noticed her, peacefully sleeping on that pink bed she hated.

I walked over next to her bed and pulled up a pink chair that was nearby.

I looked towards her drawer and noticed the phone I placed there was gone.

I had gotten her an iPhone6 S Rose Gold because it was pink and she hated pink.

I "accidentally" bumped into Louis in the hallway and just so casually asked him about Selena and so he told me what had happened in the library. I then asked Dylan what happened and he told me more details.

Selena wanted to talk to her mom as she was in the hospital.

My thoughts were interrupted as I get a text message.

I want her. She belongs to me.

The Vipers?

She's mine. I'm going to protect her from you and everybody else.

Just like you protected Jasmine? Selena's going to end up just like her.

I won't let her die. I won't let her get hurt. I won't.

I look at Selena as she's peacefully sleeping. I reach out for her hand and slowly interwind our hands together.

Her hands are warm. Her hand fits perfectly in mine. Like it was meant to be there. Like it belonged there.


I turn towards the door and see Dylan there.

I quickly let go off Selena's hand and stand up.


"It's okay man."

He comes closer and take the other pink chair and sits across from me on the other side of the bed.

"I know you're afraid to love again. That you'll probably never be able to love someone as much as you loved Jasmine. But I know you are starting to grow fond of Selena.
I pretty much grew up by your side. I know you like the back of my hand. I'm scared for Selena and you."

"There's nothing to be afraid of Dylan. I can take care of myself. Selena is just your sister and that's it. She's nothing to me. And never will be."

I stood up and left Selena's room as quickly as possible.

Was Dylan right? Was I growing fond of Selena?

I couldn't be.

I'm scared for you and Selena too. Watch out. Something big is coming.


A/N: YAY I finally updated! 💖 So sorry for the long wait and for this author's note but good news, I'm on spring break so I will be posting a lot this week! Also please leave a comment whether you ship Selena and Louis or Selena and Justin!
BTW the story is getting to a climax so please stay with me! 💘

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