- Chapter 7 -

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"You're kidding?"

"Sel, I'm really sorry but its true." Dylan spoke softly.

"No it can't be. Harry is my brother. He loves me. He wouldn't hurt me. You guys don't know him like I do!" I was practically sobbing.

"Selly, I'm sorry.." I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I was shaking non stop.

"I have to be alone." I ran up the stairs but instead of heading to 'my' room, I headed to Dylan's.

I sat on Dylan's bed. Taking in the info. Were they serious? I mean why else would they bring me here? Dylan was my brother. Unbelievable.
But it all made sense. Harry tried to kill me when I was a child. I can't believe it. I had always looked up to him.
I laid on Dylan's bed and I slowly started drifting. I fell asleep.

Justin's POV.

"Guys, what are we gonna do? I hate seeing her like this." Dylan whispered so Selena wouldn't hear us. He was seriously freaking out.
"Shes my sister and we can not let him hurt her. I just got her back and I can't lose her again. " I looked at Dylan while he finished his words. He was actually beginning to cry.

"Dylan everything is goi-"
I couldn't finish my sentence because as soon as I had started talking I felt a blow to my face.
"What the hell Dylan? What the hell was that for?"

"That was for talking bad and yelling at my sister! You practically treated her like trash!"

Aaron pulled me before I could get to Dylan.
"You guys need to stop! Fighting isn't going to solve anything. We can stand here and fight or we can find out a way to keep Selena safe. Now which one is it?"

Dylan answered first. "We have to find a way to keep her safe."

All I said was, "I couldn't care less about what happened to that bi-"

Again, another blow to my face. This time it was Shawn.
"You too? What? Is today punch Justin for telling the truth day or what?"

"Why do you hate her so much if you haven't even met her yet? " Shawn asked me.

"Because shes driving us apart." I looked at all the guys. Staring longer at Dylan. Then I turned away.

And with that I walked away.

I went to my room and surprisingly there was nobody there. I wondered where Selena was.
If she didn't come to this room, then where did she go? Wait. Why do I care?

Author's POV.

As Selena started waking up from her not so great sleep, she felt someone staring at her. As she looked around with her sleepy eyes she saw a guy she had not seen before.

The guy stood up from where he was sitting. He got near Selena and she just sat there, internally freaking out.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your worst nightmare."

The guy slapped Selena as hard as he possibly could, knocking her senseless. The guy grabbed the bag he brought along with him. He got some rope and tied Selena's hands and legs. He tied a bandana around her mouth. Before he left, he went back and stuck a letter in between her breasts.

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