✰Chapter 1✰

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・❥  You sat in your room, staring out the window. You watched as the storm raged on. It wasn't normal for your town to have storms, especially one like this. You watched as the strange lightning bolts touched down around your house, and you felt the loud thunder shake the floor and the walls of your tiny home. It scared you. You've never seen a storm this bad. Especially in this town, the most you'd get are light wind storms and rain. 

You walked over to your bed, setting your laptop down, and crawling under the covers. Might as well watch something to pass the time. You wrapped the blankets tightly around your body, while signing into your laptop and opening you-tube. You played a random video by one of your favorite creators.

A sigh escaped your lips, you were finally giving yourself a moment to relax after a very busy day of working. You leaned back closing your eyes, sinking into the comfortable mattress. Man was this nice, it felt good on your aching bones, and it really helped you forget all about the raging storm happening just outside your window.

Suddenly, a very loud bang was heard from outside, making you jump. Your eyes snapped open as you looked outside your window. The dark sky, along with all the heavy clouds, seemed to have lit a very bright blue color, some lightning bolts struck the floor but oddly, they never left.. it was as if they were frozen in place. You slowly stood up, walking over to your window and peering out, placing your hands on the glass. It seems that everything has stopped.. The trees were bent over as if there was wind blowing them, but it was stil outside, not the slightest gust of wind. You quickly walked out of your room and to the front door, throwing the door open and walking outside. 

Your eyes widened. "What the hell.." Everything was frozen. The rain drops that were once falling from the sky were stuck in their places, just floating in front of you. Nothing, and I mean nothing was moving. It was as if this was a scene straight out of a movie. 

You were confused, and a bit amazed. You've never seen anything like this before. You reached your hand forwards, slowly bringing your finger out to touch one of the frozen droplets of water. As soon as your finger connected with the water, it seemed that everything started to move again, the rain fell once more, the wind started back up again, and the lightning went back up into the sky. But your finger felt slightly tingly, but you ignored it, looking up. That's when you saw the strange, Purple/blue lightning bolt that was coming right at you, You didn't get time to move away, it had already hit you in the stomach, sending you flying back into your house and at the wall. Your back slammed against the wall, and your head hit the hard plaster. You fell to the floor unconscious. 

It seemed that the storm had completely stopped, The rain, the wind, the clouds, everything from just a moment before, was gone. Every clue that there was ever a storm had disappeared with that one lightning bolt. The only thing left was the moon that had just come out to shine, along with all the stars, The sun set just behind the mountains.

                                  ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────

You slowly opened your eyes, the light from the lamp that sat on the night stand right besides you burned your eyes. You could feel your back ache in pain, making you groan, but you pushed past it, sitting up. "Guys, shes getting up." You froze as you heard someone whisper. That's weird, you're the only one that lives here, there should be nobody else in this house.. You opened your eyes, bringing your hand up to your head and rubbing the back of your skull, damn it hurts, what even happened? You looked around the room, and your body once again froze up as you saw a bunch of men you've never seen before, stare at you from the corner of your room. 

"Ah!" You let out a small scream, quickly pushing yourself backwards until your back hit the wall beside your bed. "W-who are you?" You whispered, voice shaky. The men came closer to you, their hands raised slightly, attempting to show they meant no harm. But, they looked so scary. They were very big and muscly, not to mention intimidating. 

"Calm down, we're not going to hurt you." A guy with White hair spoke up, his eyes never leaving yours. You wanted to Believe him, but all your instincts told you not to. I mean, they were in your house for Christs sake! "W-Why are you here?" You never left the wall that you were leaning against, staring at them just as they stared at you. 

"Please, come away from the wall. Let us explain." The Man with the strange white hair came up to you, Holding his hand out for you to take. Something about this man just made you trust him, maybe it was his calm and gentle tone. "O-Okay.." You mumbled, slowly taking your hands off the mattress and slowly placing them in his much larger ones, allowing him to slowly guide you off the bed, and into the living room. 

He guided you over to the couch, and you slowly sat down and watched as the other man piled into the room. The man's hands slowly released yours as he began to back up. "Okay.. Lets start with Names. Im Enrico Pucci, Thats Dio, Kars, Yoshikage Kira, and Diavolo." The man, Who's named Pucci, Explained. You nodded along as he spoke, taking in all the men's names. "I'm.. I'm Y/n."

"So.. What are you guy's doing in my house..?" They seemed to all turn and look at each other, shrugging, looking back at you. "We don't know. We were all in the middle of something, when suddenly, we were here, right outside your door." Pucci explained. "Your door was wide open, and That's when we found you, unconscious on the floor."

A small, 'Oh', escaped your lips, head nodding along to his words. It all came back to you. You had remembered what happened just before you passed out. How the storm stopped, and you were blasted into the wall by a strange looking lightning bolt. This is all so weird.. How are all these men here anyway? They all look so strange. Especially what they were wearing.

"We can tell you a little about ourselves, and what we were doing before this all happened, if you'd like. Maybe it'd help to understand the situation a bit more." A man With short blonde hair spoke up for the first time. 

"Uh, yeah, please." You agreed. And for at least 30 minutes or so, you listened to all of their stories, and learned about them. Little did you know, that these five men would change your life. And it might not be for the best..  ❥・

                                  ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────

Very Short chapter, just an intro chapter though. I only included villains up to the 6th part. There will be more characters from the show later in the story too.

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