✰Chapter 3✰

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・❥  You woke up to the sound of people talking, laughing and arguing all at once. You let out a soft groan, rolling over in your bed, trying to sleep again. The talking and noises never stopped, irritating you. You pulled your pillow over your head in an attempt to block out the noise, trying to get at least five more minutes of sleep.

After a few minutes, you gave up trying to sleep. Might as well get ready for the day. You kept your outfit on from yesterday, but you did your make-up, along with your hair. Within Thirty minutes or so you were ready to go out and see what the men had gotten into while they were up. You were a bit nervous, now that you were fully awake, you realized having five men living with you might be difficult..

You opened the door to your room, and walked out to the living room where all the commotion was coming from. You noticed Dio and Kars struggling to figure out the tv, while Diavolo laughed at them, and Kira and Pucci just watching from the other side of the room. You shook your head, laughing, walking over to the couch where Kars and Dio were. "Scoot Over." You said, using your hand to gesture what you meant.

Kars scooted over so you could sit between the two of them, and you did. You were hoping that you could show them how to use the remote, I mean, It's not too hard to understand. You reached over and gently took the remote from Dios hands. 

"Okay look, This button turns the tv on." You showed them the big red button, and then clicked on it. They both leaned in closer to you, glancing at the remote, then at you. "Now, this button changes the channel, and this one turns the volume up and down." You looked at both of them, before stretching your hand out, allowing either of the men to take the remote.  Dio snatched the remote before Kars could get it so he can choose what to watch. "Now here, Pick something you both want to watch, please. And then get ready to go, I'm gonna take you guys to buy new clothes. You guys can't wear that stuff out in public here." Everyone nodded in agreement, going to get ready.

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"Y'know I kinda didn't think this through.." You laughed nervously, looking at your car, and back at the five men. How were you going to fit all of them into your car? You would have to leave one of them at home. You placed your hands on your face, trying to think. "Hey, I can stay here if you want me to, I mean, My outfit is more normal than the others, Plus if you want, just pick me out some clothes." Pucci put his hand on your shoulder, a smile on his face. "Are you sure?" You asked, and he nodded. "Of course I am, Just be safe." He nodded to you, before turning around and walking back inside.

"Well, are you guys ready?" You asked the others. They all responded with quick, 'Yes's, and got into the car. Of course, Dio and Diavolo fought over the front seat, so eventually you just you made them both sit in the back seat with Kira, and Had Kars sit in the front.

"Okay, I'm thinking about going to the mall, and just letting you guys pick whatever clothes you want, as long as it's in my budget." You looked back at them, waiting for them to agree, which they did. 

Soon enough, you were at the mall, you had already parked the car and entered through the main entrance, and you could already feel everyone's stares. You tried your best to ignore them, looking at the four men that walked closely besides you. They all stared right back at the strangers that were looking at you, Immediately scaring them away.

You stopped the guys, and pulled out your wallet. "Alright, each of you will get some money," You began, handing each of them some cash. "I.. I know it's not a lot, but it's enough to get each of you a few outfits. Uh.. If you need anything i'll be down at the food court." 

"Thank you." They all said, before quickly going off to the different stores.

You ordered a drink, and sat down at a table, scrolling on your phone. You clicked on your messages app, and what you saw, made you froze. You had received a message from your best friend, well, he used to be your best friend. Dante, your ex-best friend, had completely stopped talking to you, and you didn't know why! The last time you two talked you were as close as ever, then one day, he just ghosted you. So why is he messaging you now?

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