✰Chapter 2✰

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・❥ You looked at the men in front of you, completely and utterly shocked. "So, you mean to tell me that You two are Vampires, You used to be a serial killer, You're a priest, and you have multiple personalities?" You asked, eyebrow raised, looking between the men as they all nodded in agreement. "Okay.." You mumbled to yourself. What the actual hell was happening? None of this makes sense! They all claimed to be from different time lines too! Before now they never even met!

None of this even makes sense, how is any of this even possible? You brought your hands up to your face, resting your head in your palms. "Well uh, I'm guessing this means you have nowhere to stay?" You asked, bringing your head up slightly to see their answers. They all just shook their heads 'No'. A sigh escaped your lips, you couldn't just kick them out, but then again they were a bunch of total strangers. You knew your house wasn't that big, but you had plenty of room to house these men for a while. "I.. I guess you guys can stay here, If you want." You watched as their expressions changed, you couldn't tell what they were all thinking. Do they not wanna stay here? You began to feel a bit awkward, waiting for their answer.

"That would be great, we'd love to stay here." The man, which you now knew as Pucci, Smiled kindly at you. You noticed that in this small time of being with them, that the priest was definitely the most polite. You smiled, and stood up. For a second you were worried they didn't want to stay here, and that you shouldn't have said something. "Great, uhh.. a few of you might have to sleep on the floor, I hope that's okay. If I need to, I can give someone my bed, and uh, the couch, I also have a guest room." You stood up, walking over to a cabinet that was in the guest room, right besides your room.

You pulled on the handles, slowly opening the big wooden door, revealing all of the blankets you've collected over time. Thank god every time you see a blanket that's soft you buy it, because if not, you wouldn't have enough blankets for them.

"Your offering us your bed? Why?" Asked Dio, walking over to you, the others closely behind him. You paused, you weren't quite sure why you did, you just felt like you should, that'd it'd be unfair if you had your bed? You didn't know why you thought that either. "Uhh, I don't know." You shrugged. They eyed you, thinking to themselves. You began to hand everyone blankets and spare pillows that you owned. "Go ahead and find where you'll be sleeping tonight." You smiled at them, walking off to the mirror that you had in the room besides this one, you could feel their eyes follow you as you did so.

You could hear them talking among themselves while they decided where to sleep for the night. You once again sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked like a total wreck right now, and this was your first impression with them. You shook your head, reaching your hands down and taking your shirt off. You were going to change into something a little nicer, but still something comfortable enough to sleep in. You just grabbed your Pro-club sweat pants and a tank top. It was cute, comfortable, and an outfit you wore quite often. You also grabbed a few shirts and some pairs of Pj-pants that you had from your old friend, when you and him used to talk, that is. He often spent the night, so he left his clothes over here a lot, and it seemed that his clothes might fit these men.

And now, before you changed, you figured it would be good to look at your back. You turned slightly, just enough to where you could see your back in the mirror, and just as you thought, you had a large, purple bruise forming on your back from where you were slammed into the wall. God, that does not look good at all. Shaking your head once more, you quickly changed into your outfit and walked out of the room, arms filled with clothes for the men.

"So, You guys decide where you're sleeping?" You asked as you turned the corner, looking at the men. They all looked up at you, noticing your outfit had changed from before, and the clothes in your arms, They all also noticed the bruise that peaked out from behind your tank top. "Uh, Yeah we have." Diavolo Nodded Placing his stuff on the floor, with all the others. "We're all staying in the guest room."

You peered into the room, and noticed that all five men had placed their blankets neatly around the bed. "Nobody's taking the bed?" You were confused, looking around at them. "We couldn't decide who should get the bed, so it's only fair if we all sleep on the floor." Pucci informed, fixing his make shift bed. "Oh, Okay.." You mumbled.

"Uhm, how about this. We'll all sleep. and tomorrow morning we can figure some stuff out." You smiled at them as you spoke, seeing them all nod in agreement. "Oh, also, I'm not sure these will fit, but here's some clothes, I figured you guys might want something to sleep in. You can keep these, my friend won't be needing them." You walked over to the bed, gently placing the shirts and pants that were in your hand on their bed. You hoped that they fit, and that they liked them. It's all you had for now, You're probably going to have to get them clothes, most of their outfits are weird, definitely stuff they can't walk around the streets in. Especially the two vampires.

"Thank you." Pucci said as the others walked over besides you and began to look through the clothes. You let out a quick 'Mhm', before turning around and going to exit the room. "Goodnight, i'll, uh, see you in the morning." They all said a quick 'Goodnight', back, before you walked off to your room and laid in your bed. You were so tired, and now your muscles and back hurt even worse. Right now, you weren't even worried about the Strangers in the room besides you, You were just focused on getting some well deserved sleep.

In the room besides you, the men were devising the clothes amongst themselves, and luckily, it fit them quite nicely. They were all very thankful to have met you, and that you were kind enough to let them stay here, in your home. They were all also a bit curious about you, something about you just stood out to them.

The men that you had met today, They weren't to fond of people, and normally didn't like to speak to others, let alone be near people, but in this short time of knowing you, they all already seemed to have a soft spot dedicated just for you.. and they didn't know why. ❥・

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This chapter is also kind of short, and a bit boring. I have a lot planned for this book, it's just a bit of a slow burn. Please be patient with me and this book lmao.

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