✰Chapter 5✰

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・❥ Your eyes fluttered slowly fluttered open, consciousness coming back to you. You could feel the warmth from Dio's body, It felt like you were basking in the sun.. For being a vampire, hes really warm, you figured he'd be cold, But thats just what all the books have said about vampires, but The books also said vampires couldn't go in the sun, But you saw both Dio and Kars go in the sun yesterday.

"You're Finally Awake.." Dio whispered, Moving slightly so he could look at you. "Y-yeah.." You thought for a moment. The nightmare you had last night was a nightmare you hadn't had for a long time.. You're hoping that it doesn't start keeping you up at night again. "Hey Dio, Thanks for staying with me last night.. It really helped." You looked up at him, a thankful smile on your lips.

A low chuckle erupted from his chest as he looked at you. "Of course.. It was a pleasure to be able to be here with you.. all night." His red eyes narrowed slightly, a small smirk on his lips. He really did enjoy being here with you all night, Holding you against his chest as he played with your hair, breathing in your delicious scent. It was like heaven to him. He didn't want it to be over, but he knew he had to get up, and so did you.

He slowly removed his hands from around you, letting you sit up. "C'mon, get ready for the day." You looked up at him, and nodded. You knew you had to. But something was bothering you, and you had to ask him about it. "Uh, hey Dio?" He looked over at you, a low, 'Hm?' rumbles out of his throat, His red eyes looking you up and down.

"Uh.." You began. It was something stupid, But you lowkey didn't want to go alone. "I have to meet up with this guy later.. And I really don't want to go, but I have to. If you want I can tell you about him, and why I don't want to see him. But his name Is Dante. I was just wondering if you and the others could come, or at least you."

You looked up at him, Waiting for him to respond. "Of course I'll come with you. A gentleman like myself couldn't possibly turn a maiden like you down, it would be rude." He smiled at you, His eyes never leaving yours. "Thank you.." Your face flushed red as he spoke. Him and his words, they were so polite and fancy, it was cute.

"C'mon, get up." He gently pat your leg, before turning and getting off the bed. "I'll get ready, I'll see if the others want to go too." He looked at you one lest time, then turning and walking out your room, shutting the door behind him., walking over

Outside your room was the living room, where the other four man were currently sitting. They all looked up when they saw your door open, but as soon as they saw Dio walk out, Their faces dropped, Everyone glared at him, thinking the worst.

"Dio.. What were you doing in her room?" Diavolo quickly stood up walking over to Dio with a glare. If looks could kill, Dio would surely be a goner. "Relax, I didn't do anything. She was having a nightmare, And I just comforted her." Dio rolled his eyes. The others definitely jumped to conclusions way too fast.

"Get ready, Y/n has to go somewhere, and she would prefer if we went with her." Dio gave them all one last look, before walking to the shared guest room.

────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────

You walked out of your room, Finally ready to meet Dante at the spot where you agreed on. A Cafe. You figured you could order The guys some food and have them sit at the table while you and Dante stepped to the side and spoke.

You walked into the living room, where the other men were. You watched as Diavolo and Kars argued about something stupid, Pucci reading one of the books you had, Kira just sitting at the couch watching tv, and Dio, standing by the door, waiting.

All of them immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at you, seeing your outfit. You were wearing flared jeans, with rhinestones on the back pockets, that hugged your curves, A cropped tank top that fit around your breast perfectly, and to top it all off, a belt with even more rhinestones.

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