✰Chapter 6✰

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・❥ The car ride home was quick and silent, nobody said a single word. It was quite awkward, but everyone, including you were too lost in thought to even bother speaking. You had finally arrived home, and you noticed Dante's car in front of your house. He beat you here.

You parked right besides Dante, getting out, and unlocking your door so that everybody could come inside. "Sorry for the mess, I've been having trouble keeping up since there's so many people living here." You laughed nervously, picking up a few things from the coffee table and moving them to where they belong.

 "It's fine. Don't worry about it Y/n." Dante came over and placed a hand on your arm, making you stop your quick attempt at cleaning. "Let's just, relax, and listen to what they have to say."

You nodded, slowly sitting down onto the couch behind you, Dante sitting right beside you. You looked at both groups of men, waiting for them to explain what had happened, and what their history was. You already knew a bit about the Joestar's, thanks to the men telling you about how they fought them, but you were curious to hear the Joestar's side of the story.

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You sat there, trying to process the whole thing. Now you know both sides to the story, and you know exactly how evil the men you've been living with can be. But, they seem a whole lot different than the stories you heard, like they've changed. Their past selves wouldn't be able to stand the fact they were in the same room as the Joestar's and not fighting.

"This is why she's not safe, she can't stay in the same house with them." The man with blue hair, which you now knew was named Jonathan, simply stated in his British accent.  "Would you guys stop saying that! She's perfectly safe with us! We're not gonna do anything to her." Dio glared at his life long enemy, a scowl present on his lips.

"Don't you think if we wanted to harm her we would have done so already?" Kars stated, an eyebrow raised. He did have a point, you weren't that important to them, at least you didn't think so. So if they really did have intentions to hurt you, they would have already done it. But They've been nothing but kind to you.

"Guys.. listen. I may be wrong, but I feel like, from the stories I've been told about them, That they are different now. In the time I've known them, they've shown no aggression or hostility. They have been nothing but Nice to me. So really, I don't think I'm in danger if I live with them." You explained, trying to put the Joestar's at ease with your words. They all stared at you, trying to think. It seemed that some of them were considering your words, others were skeptical about it.

 "I'll believe it when I see it." Jotaro spoke up, a glare present on his face. You've learned in this short time that Jotaro wasn't the nicest person, he had a bad temper. "Come now Jotaro, Why don't we give it a chance. It's true, if they were honestly bad, and wanted to hurt her, they would have done so already. Now I'm not too fond of them, especially that bastard Kars, But, I don't see why we don't give them a second chance." Joseph looked at the others as he spoke, seeing them all nod in agreement. 

The last person was Jotaro. Everyone stared at Jotaro while he kept the same, stoic expression on his face. Finally, he rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh, "Fine." You smiled, and looked over at Dante, and he looked over at you too, the same smile on his face. 

Now that you got this over with, there was only one thing left to do, and that was to ask Dante a very important question. Why? Why'd he cut contact with you?

"Hey, Dante, Can I talk to you, It'll be quick." You asked, pointing your hand towards your room, hinting you wanted to be alone. He nodded, standing up, and looking at the others. "Hey guys, we'll be right back, Please just, watch Tv, or something. Just get along." 

The guys nodded, and Joseph quickly grabbed the remote before the others, a chuckle escaping his lips. The others groaned knowing they had to watch whatever dumb show He put on.

You and Dante walked into your bedroom and you shut the door behind you. You were hoping he told you the truth, and didn't get mad. Dante was your best friend, you knew a lot about him, which means you know that he gets very angry, very easily. You were also hoping you didn't get to emotional.

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"I see them, boss. They're all together." A man spoke from outside your window, peering in at everybody, Holding a phone up to his ear. "Yeah, Y/n and Dante are here too. Which means the stand arrow was successful." 

He moves some of his dark red hair from his face. "Sure thing, boss." He hung up, putting his phone into the pocket of his pants. A smirk was present on his face as he moved his baby blue eyes to look into your window one last time, before crawling into a small portal behind him. Him, disappearing along with the portal soon after he climbed in.. ❥・

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Yayyy, Another chapter! This one was also a Lil' rushed, plus its quite short, but I hope you like it. Once i introduce all of the Oc characters I will post a chapter explaining what they look like and their stands! 

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