✰Chapter 7✰

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・❥ "So.. What's up?" Dante asks, looking down at you as you sit on your bed, the mattress sinking slightly from under you. "I just have a question, and I want you to answer me honestly." A sigh escapes your mouth, eyes never leaving the floor. You were a bit scared to ask him, so you were just staring at the carpet underneath his feet. 

You could feel his eyes boring into you, and you were too nervous to look up at him when you spoke. "Why did you ghost me? Why did we stop talking?" You finally bring your eyes up to meet his, and you could see his expression changed.

He was definitely not expecting you to ask him this question, but he knew he had to answer you, he knew he had to be honest. "You know how we got into that big fight, just a few days before? Well, I don't know, I guess I was still mad about that, and so I just, Didn't answer."

You just stared at him, your eyes wide in disbelief. A dumb ass fight made him ghost you. The meaningless fight that he started, that's why he completely cut all contact with you?

"The fight, Really? That's why?" You stood up, and took a step closer to him. "You stopped talking to me because of a fight that you started? And it was so dumb to, You were mad at me because I wasn't in the mood to hang out for awhile back then, and I wasn't replying to you that often. But you know why, You know what I deal with." 

You were a bit angry about this. You knew you probably shouldn't be, but you were. You couldn't help it. You struggled with depression and he knew that, and so at that time, you were just having an episode, you were motivated to do much. After he completely stopped talking to you, it just got worse..

"I.. I know, and I'm sorry. Just listen, I was mad, not because of your depression, but because I felt like it would be better if I had just stopped talking to you, because it just wasn't sounding like you didn't like me anymore, like you were tired of me." He sighed, shaking his head. "I know that this doesn't justify my actions, it's no excuse for what I did. I should have talked to you about it."

You looked at him, your eyes searching him for any signs that he was lying, but you couldn't. You've known him so long that you can usually tell when hes lying, and right now, he wasn't showing any signs.

You sighed, looking back at him. "It's.. It's fine. As long as we're talking again." You gave him a small smile, and you watched as his face heated up slightly, mirroring your smile.

"Yes, Thank you." He was surprised that You forgave him so quickly, but at the same time, he wasn't. You were a very forgiving person, and you don't normally stay mad very long, unless its really bad.

"Come on, lets go." You reached out, and gently grabbed his hand, leading him out of the room. His eyes snapped down to your soft hand that now held his, a light blush growing on his face. Oh god, his feelings for you are just coming back to him all over again.

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Far from the house Where you and the others are, a man crawls through a tiny portal into a rather large room with three other people. The red head walks over to the table where the other three were, pulling a chair out and sitting down, propping his legs up on the table. "Well, what did you see?" A blonde man asked, in a rather deep, and rough voice, his yellow eyes piercing into the man sitting. 

"They were there. All of them. And Dante and Y/n, they're both still alive." The blonde man's lips turned up into a smirk, the information that he had just heard seemed to have pleased him. "So the stand arrow worked.. Good job, Xavier. You weren't seen, were you?" 

The Red head, Named Xavier, Shook his head. "Calm down Wayne, I was careful. They never even suspected I was there!" He smirked up at Wayne, a proud look on his face.

There was a woman who leaned against the wall just besides the table, she seemed to be irritated. She rolled her eyes at Xavier, and looked over at Wayne. "Why are we even doing this? This is stupid." 

Wayne quickly looked over at her, a brow raised at her sudden comment. "You think the boss's plan is stupid?" He stared at her, waiting for an answer, which she did rather quickly. "Yes, I do. We don't need those Damned Joestar's and the others. Hell, we don't even Need Y/n and Dante! We could do this perfectly on our own."

She walked over to Wayne, Her purple eyes piercing his yellow ones. "What if they don't even comply to work with us. Does the boss really think that these hard headed men are really just going to roll over on their bellies and submit to us? They're probably going to want to fight."

Wayne narrowed his eyes, moving a bit closer to her. "If they refuse to work with us, then we will force them. Remember, they are all weakened from being transported here from another dimension. The strongest two will most likely be Y/n and Dante, which is why they are the most valuable." He tilted his head to the side, going to make an offer to the shorter woman. "If you don't want to do this, then you are happy to leave, just know, the boss probably won't let you walk away with your life."

He shrugged, walking away from the girl, and sitting back down on his seat. The girl let out an angry puff of air, going to retort, when another man came up from behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Now, Now, Tara. Let's not start yet another argument today." 

Tara turned to look at the tall man through her dark brown bangs. She shrugged his hand off of her shoulder, and walked away into a different mood, Slamming the door behind her. 

"Why's she always got to be like this?" Xavier rolled his eyes, moving his feet off the table, and standing up to grab a drink from the mini fridge just a few feet away. Xavier didn't like Tara very much, her attitude always got on his nerves, and they always argue.

"Just ignore her, we have other things to worry about." Wayne looked down at his hands, seeming to be thinking about something. "We need to let them know we exist, we need to give them a proposition." He tapped his fingers against the tables cold surface, quiet sounds coming from them as he thought hard about their next move.

"Well, If you want to, I could try something. I can use my charms to see if I can get Y/n to comply." The tall man, with short dark brown hair, and alluring red eyes, offered. "Hmm, If you think it would work, Then go ahead, Enzo."

Enzo Had a way with the women, you could say he was quite the ladies man. Every woman he talked to seemed to be head over heels for him in a matter of seconds. So he was positive he could use his charms to get you to help them.

"Great." He smirked.  ❥・

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Yayyy! I did it! I finally got to write about some of my original characters for this. In my next chapter I'll put their Description, and Maybe I'll Include their stands too. 

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