✰Chapter 4✰

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・❥ It was night by now, You were sitting on the couch, being squished by the two men that sat on either side of you, and the other three that sat on the floor by your feet. You looked at them all as they seemed to be very interested with the movie that you had put on. It was as if they've never even seen a movie before!

You smiled as you looked at them, thinking about today. You and the five men, who were strangers just yesterday, were now friends. You've done so much with them today, and you learned a lot about them too.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, bringing your attention away from the movie. Your phone screen lit up your face in the dimly lit room. You quickly turned your phones brightness down, before reading the text you got.

╰┈➤ "Y/n, Please, I'll explain everything later, I just need to talk to you."

It was Dante again. You rolled your eyes after reading his message. You didn't want to hear his lame excuse on why he ghosted you, or what he had to talk about that was so urgent. But you decided to give him a chance, why not?

╰┈➤ "Fine, Dante."

You stared at the phone for a while, unsure if you should send the message. You slowly brought your finger up to the send button, and pressed it. No going back now.

You looked at Diavolo and Kira, both men who had gotten the two seats besides you, before the others could get them, and smiled. "Uhh, I'm gonna head to bed now, I'm kinda tired. You guys can watch whatever you want after this." You hand Kira The remote, and he grabbed it, running his fingers over your hand as he grabbed it. His body got chills as he touched the soft skin of your hands, and he tried to pay it off as nothing. 

"Oh, Okay, Goodnight, Y/n." Diavolo looked at you and watched as you stood up from the couch, and walked away to your room, shutting the door behind you quietly. Truth was, you weren't very tired, you were more upset than anything. You were just mad that Dante is trying to talk to you again. But it's whatever, might as well go to sleep.

                                  ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────

It was late at night, Everyone was asleep, well, everyone but Kars and Dio, the two vampires. Because of their vampire nature, they don't sleep, they simply stay up all night. Dio was by your door, in case anything happened, while Kars was in the guest room with the other men. They both took turns guarding the house. They may be overreacting a bit, But they are here for a reason, and there might be something they might have to fight?

Dio stood near your door, staring out the window, watching the moon. A deep sigh escaped his lips, his eyes turning towards your door. On the other side, He could hear your breath growing heavier, and he could sense your fear. His brows furrowed, hand quickly going up to the door, and quietly opening it. He peeked his head in, eyes landing on your sleeping form. He watched as you tossed and turned in bed, small whimpers coming from you as your hands grip the sheets tightly. You were having a nightmare..

A frown grew on Dio's lips, he quickly walked in, shutting the door behind him. Soon enough, he found his way beside your bed, looking down at you, now that he was this close, he could see a few stray tears that had escaped your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. He wasn't quite too sure on what to do, but he knew one thing for sure, he needed to wake you up.

He sets his hands on you, gently shaking you, whispering, "Y/n, Y/n wake up." 

Your eyes snap open, and for a second, you panic. You sit up quickly, backing away from Dio,   "N-no!" You gasped, putting your hands up, trying to keep him away from you. 

"Y/n, Calm down, it's Me. I'm not going to hurt you." Dio whispered in a soothing voice, his hands held out in front of him. He didn't like seeing you in such fear and discomfort. He wanted to take these feelings away from you, and comfort you in the best way he could.

"Do not fret, It was just a dream, Y/n." He watched as you slowly began to calm down, but he could see your glossy eyes, he could see you struggle to keep yourself from crying. 

He Looked up at you, before getting an idea. He slowly and carefully, sat on the bed beside you, His arms out stretching towards your smaller frame. He gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling your body against his, which, you gladly accepted. "Would it be okay, if I just.. Held you, like this." He asked, never moving his head to look at you. You nodded against his chest, trying to fight the sad smile that crept on your face. 

He let out a deep breath, Pulling you closer to him, your slender form pressed up against his broad muscles. "Shh.. Sleep. It's Okay now.. I'm here." With each word he spoke you could hear his vague British accent mix in with his deep voice. 

"Would it help If I.." He began to speak, Bringing one of his hands up, and gently playing with your hair. "If I stroke your hair.. Like this."

You could feel his hands gently run throughout your hair, every once in awhile, they gently ran across your scalp. Your eyes shut, as you enjoyed him playing with your hair. It was quite pleasurable. "Sleep.. everything's fine now.." Your eyes began to feel heavy, his actions and soothing words lulling you to sleep. 

With each breath he took, he inhaled your scent, the scent of your skin, your hair, Your perfume. It was intoxicating to him. He didn't know why he liked you so much, and why you made him feel this way. He just knew that He liked you, and nothing was going to change that. He moved his head so that it was gently resting above yours, a small smile playing on his lips. He pulled you closer to him, he was going to stay here all night with you. Its not like he had to do anything else anyway. ❥・

                                  ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────

Short chapter again, But a lot of Dio action!! (In case you couldn't tell, Dio is my favorite lmao)

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